ProProfs Ranks in 100 Most Promising Tech Companies Founded & Managed by Indians in USA by Silicon India

Over the years, ProProfs has met with many accolades as a company at the vanguard of scaling excellence in online training and knowledge management. What comes as another feather in our cap is being ranked in Silicon India’s 100 list showcasing the most promising technology companies managed and founded by Indians in the U.S.

“ProProfs is honored to be recognized by Silicon India’s panel of experts and thought leaders,” said Sameer Bhatia, CEO, ProProfs. “Our vision is to make the world a smarter place by developing robust and user-friendly knowledge tools. We will continue our endeavor to create a smarter and more knowledgeable workforce” he added.

What is the Silicon India 100 list about?

With 70,000 subscribers in U.S., SiliconIndia has been  a catalyst between leaders and the emerging leaders of our time since 1997. The annual Silicon 100 list of companies recognizes and promotes technology entrepreneurship and is prepared by a select  panel of experts and members of Silicon India’s editorial board.

“ProProfs has been on our radar for some time now for stirring a revolution among in the technology space in the U.S, and we are happy to showcase them this year due to their continuing excellence in delivering top-notch technology-driven solutions,” said Harvi Sachar, Editor-in-Chief, SiliconIndia.

Read the full Press Release

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