Use Video Plus PowerPoint Presentations to Create Engaging Online Courses

Video tutorials are excellent teaching tools. So are PowerPoint presentations (PPT). But if you were asked to pick the better one of the two, which would it be? PPTs or Videos…? Tough choice right!

With our new PPT & video synchronization feature, you get the best of both the worlds. You can use any video and synch it with a PowerPoint presentation, which will advance automatically to the most relevant slide as the video progresses. This helps you to engage the learner better with both video and supporting text & images from the PPT.

Video and PPT synced presentations are an integral part of web-based courses. Besides the obvious benefit of visual appeal, they help you to explain difficult and technical topics to learners in a piece-meal and story-based format.









 Benefits of Synching Video with Online Presentations

Convey technical topics to learners in an easy format – Using the step-by-step narrative pattern of  online presentations, you can easily explain complex topics to your learners. You can provide bulleted lists to emphasize or summarize the main points, so that learners quickly grasp them. Add to this an explanatory video and learning complex topics becomes really easy.

Allow learners to self-pace their learning – Video presentations, unlike live presentations can be paused, replayed and resumed. Learners can clear their doubts by replaying the presentation or pausing and resuming the presentation at a later time. This is especially helpful in training remotely located employees or distance learning students.

Make your course more visually appealing – You can overcome the monotony of  text-based content by introducing videos and online presentations in your courses. By using visual media, you make learning interactive and enable earners to easily understand concepts, through the help of visual cues such as images, charts, graphs etc.

Create an online course to check out the new PPT and video sync feature.

Follow the steps below to synch a video with an online presentation:

Step 1: When creating a course, click on “Page Type” and select “Synch video and PPT”.

Step 2: Now, click on “Synch video and PPT”.

Step 3(a): The first step is to upload the video.

Step 3(b): Now, upload the PPT and click on Next to synch the video with the PPT

Step 3(c): You can set the time for each PPT slide to be displayed in synch with the video. Click on “Done” to save the synch settings.


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