Earn by Selling Your Flashcards at ProProfs Store!

With ProProfs, you can easily create and sell your flashcards online and earn money. Flashcards (question and answer cards) are effective memory-aid tools that help learners learn and memorize new materials quickly.

Scientific research proves that flashcards help you to study up to 7 times faster.

You can now easily create unlimited flashcards and sell them at our online store to a large learner base who can make good use of it.

 What can be done with ProProfs Flashcards?

Remember more: Online flashcards are perfect for learning facts, words, formulas as well as quotes.

Study & practice faster: Question yourself and get immediate feedback on a range of topics. You can keep practicing till you’ve gained mastery over a subject.

Earn money: Create flashcards, sell them to fellow learners and earn money! If your flashcards are related to an upcoming exam or course, there’s a great chance other learners will be interested in buying them. Just add a price tag to your flashcards & get started.

How to set a price to your flashcard:

  • Click on Settings after you have created your flashcard

  • Select the ‘Price’ option under Settings

  • Enter a price for your flashcard (you can even choose from the currencies listed in the dropdown)


Set a suitable price for your flashcard

Once you’ve entered a price, your flashcard will automatically appear in ProProfs Store. This will enable other learners to view it and buy, if interested. Each time you make a sale, you earn money.

Create a flashcard now and start earning!

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