
Florida Auto Dealer School is an automobile dealership training school for obtaining dealership licenses. It provides training for licenses in new car stores, used car stores, auctions, salvage yards, RVs, and mobile homes. Most of its customers are individuals who wish to run an automobile dealership. The school aims to always provide training on more than the minimum state requirements. Existing and prospective dealers can expect to learn proven ways to make money and things to avoid. FADS is a proud member of the Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association (FIADA), the oldest US dealer association.


My customers are individuals who would like to start up an automobile dealership. There is a Florida State requirement for them to take 16 hours of training on rules, laws, and statutes, whether the dealership is for new cars store, used cars store, auctions, salvage yards, RVs, or mobile homes.

After the training, they must take a test, and when they successfully pass the test, they should be able to print a certificate to apply with the state for their license. But not everybody can take time off from work, get into a car, and go on a trip to take a live in-person training session and test.


ProProfs Quiz Maker lets me put together a quiz that my learners can take online once they’re done with the online training course that I deliver using ProProfs Training Maker. It automatically grades for me. When my students successfully pass the tests, they can print their own certificate and use it to pursue their dealer license.


ProProf is an excellent alternative for providing certification to customers who can’t come to physical sites where I’m holding my training sessions. With the advent of the coronavirus, when everything got locked down for two years, it became an even more valuable tool as it enabled me to continue to serve the needs of my customer base.

Also, when I reach out for help, help is always there. ProProfs was always more than generous with their time and responses. The communication factor is very much appreciated.

I’ve also introduced companies I consult for to ProProfs and look forward to many more years of successful relationship with them.

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