What is the communication between the pharynx and the nasal cavity is - ProProfs Discuss

What is the communication between the pharynx and the nasal cavity is known as?

Asked by David, Last updated: May 06, 2024

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2 Answers

Bobby Rickets

Bobby Rickets

Bobby Rickets
Bobby Rickets, Content Reviewer

Answered Jan 25, 2019

Choanae. For those who don’t know, the pharynx is the tube/cavity that connects your mouth and nose to the esophagus and gets food, spit, mucus, etc. down into the esophagus. It is also the site of post-nasal drip, fun fact.

The choanae are spaces in the body between the nasal cavity and the throat. The definition of that space gets a little term-heavy for those who aren’t in the medical field, so I will leave those out for now.

This space is basically the only way the throat can communicate with the nose and vice versa as far as nerves and things go. So, not only does it allow things to go back and forth between nose and throat, it also allows us to breath without having to open our mouths. Pretty cool, huh?

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Sep 09, 2016

Choanae-the choanae are the opening at the posterior border of the nasal cavity that allow the nasal cavity to communicate with the nasopharynx. the aditus is the laryngeal inlet - this is the space that is covered by the epiglottis when swallowing. the auditory tube is a tube that connects the nasopharynx with the middle ear, allowing for pressure to equalize on both sides of the tympanic membrane. the fauces is the passage from the mouth to the oropharynx, including the lumen and its boundaries. finally, the piriform recess is a shallow depression located lateral to the aryepiglottic fold in the laryngopharynx. this is a place where food is commonly lodged.
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