Which chromosomal alterations would you expect to have the most - ProProfs Discuss

Which chromosomal alterations would you expect to have the most drastic consequences?

Asked by Shaziaa, Last updated: Apr 24, 2024

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5 Answers

C. Perez

C. Perez

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C. Perez
C. Perez, Writer, Writer, Cleveland

Answered Feb 19, 2021

The correct answer to this question is deletion. This type of chromosomal alteration has the most drastic consequences. When chromosomes are altered, it causes what is known as a structural abnormality. Although translocation also has its consequences, it will only cause a pair of chromosomes to attach to another piece of chromosome.

However, deletion occurs when a section of the chromosome breaks, followed by a loss of the genetic information inside it. When this happens, it can lead to what is known as chromosomal deletion syndromes. This causes serious physical disability and congenital anomalies.

Although a deletion always comes with severe conditions, the severity of each condition also depends on whether it involves larger deletions or smaller deletions. Aside from the listed effects of chromosomal deletion syndromes, it can also cause birth defects, and these defects can lead to the death of the affected children, especially during childhood.

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T. Perez

T. Perez

T. Perez
T. Perez

Answered Feb 12, 2021

The chromosomal alteration that will have the most drastic consequence is going to be deletion. If in case you are not familiar with what deletion is, this is known to be responsible for different types of genetic disorders.

For example, those who are suffering from male infertility are probably having some problems because of deletion. 2 out of 3 cases of cystic fibrosis may also be caused by deletion. When deletion mutation happens, this will get rid of a nucleotide or an entire set of nucleotides.

If three or more nucleotides get lost, this will already affect how the protein functions. You will know if this type of mutation appears when there is a wrinkle on the replicated strand.

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G. Roland

G. Roland

G. Roland
G. Roland, Professor, Austin

Answered Feb 12, 2021

The normal human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, with a total of 46 in each cell. Any alteration in the chromosome can cause issues with the body's systems' growth, development, and function. Down syndrome is an example of an extra chromosome outcome so that there are three copies instead of two.

Turner syndrome appears when there is only one copy of the X chromosome, and there can be two additional sets of chromosomes which is not compatible with life. When someone has cancer, there are changes in their number of chromosomes, which occur during the disease's progression, not in a hereditary setting. Chromosomal balance is very intricate, and any imbalance can compromise health, wellness, development, and life.

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H. Barnes

H. Barnes

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H. Barnes
H. Barnes, Unemployed, Barnes, Atlanta

Answered Jun 13, 2019

The correct answer to this question is Deletion. This chromosomal alteration is when DNA sequences are a loss. Many side effects can occur with Deletion. These effects can vary depending upon the location and size of the sequences which were deleted.

One impact that Deletion can have is affecting the gene dosage, which is the number of copies of a gene that are in a genome. Effecting a gene dosage can cause a phenotype. Another impact is that if the Deletion is large, the number of genes will be made will be high. This will increase the defect that is caused.

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Answered Sep 10, 2018

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