What is the key difference between arithmetic and physiological - ProProfs Discuss

What is the key difference between arithmetic and physiological population density?

What is the key difference between arithmetic and physiological population density?

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Asked by Wyatt Williams, Last updated: Apr 30, 2024

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Danny R. Glover

Danny R. Glover

Danny R. Glover
Danny R. Glover, Editor, New York City

Answered Oct 09, 2018

It should be remembered that there are different population densities that are available. These densities are meant to be used for various purposes. Arithmetic refers to the total population that is divided by the total land while physiological refers to the total population divided by total land. The fact that arithmetic is called as such as is because of its ability to measure everything that is needed.

Agricultural density is in charge of checking the population of the farmers per unit. The different densities will differ depending on the land that is being measured. There are some countries that are already aware of their various population densities.

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Answered Jan 29, 2018

There are three different kinds of population densities. These kinds include arithmetic, physiological, and agricultural densities. Arithmetic density is also known as real density while physiological density is the number of people per unit of arable land.

The key difference between the two is that arithmetic is total population divided by total land while physiological is total population divided by arable land. This is where arithmetic density gets the name of real density. It measures everything, not just arable land.

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Oct 26, 2016

Arithmetic is total population divided by total land and physiological is total population divided by total arable land.
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