State The Origins Of The United States Relief Flashcards

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The event that most dramatically changed American attitudes about neutrality was the invasion of Poland
Lend-Lease, Roosevelt's offer of 50 old American destroyers to England, was justified as a defensive measure.
The Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937 did all of the following except make an exception for nations that were innocent victims of aggression
In general, the National War Labor Board did all of the following except promote good labor relations
In the first few months after America entered the war: not the United States suffered serious setbacks at the hands of Germany ....
After bombing Pearl Harbor, Japan's immediate military goal was to establish a defensive perimeter distant enough from Japan to safeguard the homeland against bombing.
Japan's war aims were to force a negotiated settlement with the United States on favorable terms
In his dealings with Joseph Stalin, President Roosevelt: . went out of his way to allay Stalin's suspicions
Internment of Japanese Americans in concentration camps reflected invasion fears on the West Coast
World War II began in Europe with Germany's invasion of Poland
The Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor all of the choices
During the 1930s America's isolationist tendencies were reinforced by: NOT the feeling that European problems had caused the Great Depression or passage of the Neutrality Acts ............
The war resulted in a significant shift in population to the: west coast
All of the following are true of the Atlantic Charter except that: NOT it was drafted before America entered the war or it defied Allied war aims ............
At the Yalta Conference, President Roosevelt's concessions to Premier Stalin are most reasonably described as: not traitorous ........
After the Battle of Midway American strategy against Japan involved all of the following except: NOT forces under General MacArthur driving toward Japan via New Guinea and the Philippines or airlifting supplies over the Himalayan Mountains to Chinese forces .............
The Japanesse attack of Pearl Harbor: 1) was a success, 2) left no question, 3)was aided by American blunders, 4) shocked the American ppl, 5) all of them 5) all of them
All of the following are true of the Good Neighbor Policy except it was a refinement of the Roosevelt Corollary
President Roosevelt believed that democratic government in Eastern Europe was compatible with Stalin's demand that: not the soviet union have economic control over its neighbors ..............
The Chinese Communists intervened in the Korean War when: not the US entered the conflict ............
The Berlin Airlift: not failed .............
In the immediate postwar period young couples settled in the suburbs: not all the choices ..........
Attitudes toward women in the 1950s included all of the following except: the notion that women should be attractive ...........
Beatniks rebelled against all of the following except: not conformity .............
Social critics warned that all of the following were taking place in the 1950s except:not suburbia, bc it lacked social centers. ............
Following WWII: not the US emerged as the center of women's fashion .........
Nixon's openness toward China all the above
A Nixon administration employee involved in the "dirty tricks" campaign was G. Gordan Liddy
The vice president who was forced to resign was Sprio Agnew
One result of sending American ground troops into Cambodia in 1970 was .........
Pol Pot's reign of terror in Cambodia was brought to an end by an invasion by the North Vietnamese
President Reagan's role in the Iran-Contra scandal was never clearly identified
In the election campaign, Ronald Reagan's stance on the Iranian hostage issue was to negotiate behind the scenes
The name Reagan supporters gave his policy of granting tax breaks for the wealthy and middle class in order to encourage investment was supply-side economics
Under President Reagan, the work of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks begun under President Nixon ..............
Ronald Reagan was known as the "Teflon President" because he was so popular, critiics of his administration did not "stick" to him.
The bombing of Cambodia in 1971 led to riots at many universities and deaths at two, not Kent State and Cali Kent State and Jackson State
The dramatic improvement in American relations with China under Nixon encouraged the Soviet Union to cooperate with the United States
The reform-minded head of the Soviet Union who came to power in 1985 was Mikhail Gorbachev
During his presidency, Ronald Reagan appeared to reverse his long-time political position on: not tax policy ...........
President Reagan: not insisted on his aids ...........
Under President Reagan, the work of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks begun under President Nixon .....
Because "Reaganomics" tax policies favored the well-to-do, critics compared them to the tax policies of President Calvin Cooledge
President Reagan was lucky in that, during most of his presidency all the choices
Richard Nixon's chief interests lay in foreign affairs
Nixon's Vietnam policy included all the choices
The dramatic improvement in American relations with China under Nixon encouraged the Soviet Union to cooperate with the United States
Communist China hinted its interest in friendly relations with the United States by inviting an American Ping-Pong team to play in China