US History Chapter 11 Test

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Fort Sumter South Caroline - 1st shots of civil war were shot there
Anaconda Plan Union's (northern) war strategy
Stonewall Jackson Confederate general at Bull Run
George McClellan Union - He was indecisive (has the "slows") - Lincoln replaced him with Grant
Ulysses S. Grant Leading Union general
Robert E. Lee Leading confederate general
Copperhead Northern democrat that wanted peace within the South
Conscription the draft
Income Tax tax on income
Andersonville Prisoner of war camp (union soldiers were kept there)
Give an alternate name for both sides during the Civil war North & SouthUnion & Confederates
Where did most of the fighting take place during the Civil war South
Outline the Anaconda plan 1) Blockade the Southern ports2) Capture Mississippi river3) Capture Richmond
What was the Southern plan for victory? Use cotton
President of the United States? Year elected? What occurred when he was elected? (Which state secedes from the Union?) Abraham Lincoln - 1860 - South Carolina
Two reasons why the Civil war was fought? 1) Preserve the union (bring Southern states back)2) Slavery
Where did the first official battle take place? What did this battle show? Bull Run, Virginia - That it's going to be a long, bloody war
What was significant about the Battle of Gettysburg? It was the turning point in the Civil war - first Northern victory
Why did Lincoln replace General McClellan? he has the "slows" (indecisive)
Did African American's fight in the war? Yes - but they were payed less than white soldiers
Describe and analyze Sherman's March to the Sea Sherman attacked civilians, leaving them with nothing. Soldiers would come home to help their families, removing themselves from war and eventually ending the war.
Why was Appomattox Court House significant? - Starting and ending point of war- Lee surrenders to Grant
Map - Location - Winner
Fort Sumter...
Bull Run...Gettysburg...Antietam...Sherman's March to the Sea...
Fort Sumter - South Carolina - SouthBull Run - Virginia - SouthGettysburg - Pennsylvania - NorthAntietam - Maryland - NorthSherman's March to the Sea - Georgia - North
What were the advantages of the North and the South? NORTHERN - population 22 million
popluation 9 million 90% of nations industrial goods control the navy leadership of Lincoln
SOUTHERN - offensive stradegy defending is easier than attacking farmers fight better than factory workers king cotton military leadership
Analyze the decision making process of Lincoln at Fort Sumter. Lincoln had to take into consideration all of the possible consequences his actions could cause
In what way was the Emancipation Proclamation a part of Lincoln's military strategy? It allowed more men to fight in the Civil war because he was freeing slaves in the North
Describe medicine and medical advances during the Civil War. Describe the advancement of weapons during the Civil war. Doctors became very familiar with the human body because they were dealing with wounded ones all day. They advances in medicine that would sedate or help patients. Weaponry advanced because new machine and hand guns were introduced