Answer These Spinal Cord And Nerves Flashcards

Total Flash Cards » 17
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what type of signal travels through the anterior gray horn? motor or sensory? motor
what type of signal passes through the posterior gray horn? motor or sensory? sensory
what type of signal passes through the ascending spiral tracts? sensory
what type of signal passes through the descending spiral tracts? motor
what major nerves arise from the cervical plexuses? phrenic nerve
what major nerves arise from the brachial plexuses? musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median, ulnar
what major nerves arise from the lumbar plexuses? femoral and orburator nerves
what major nerves arise from the sacral plexuses? sciatic nerve
IN function, how does the posterior spinal root differ from the anterior spinal root? posterior spinal root carries sensory implulses to the spinal cord and the anterior spinal root carries motor impulses from the spinal cord
what causes the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord? due to increased neural information coming from and going to the upper extremities
where is the filum terminale found? found attaching the inferior portion of the spinal cord to the coccyx
what is the conus medullaris? the terminal portion of the solid part of the spinal cord. Found at about the level of L1 or L2
what is the cauda equina? a structure that is composed of parallel fibers that continue from the conus medullaris into the spinal cord
What is the endoneurium? the connective tissue sheath that wraps around the individual nerve fiber
In the spinal cord, which is deep to the other, the white matter or the gray matter? gray matter is deep to the white matter
What is the area of gray matter that is found between the lateral halves of the spinal cord? central commissure
The subarachnoid space is filled with what fluid? cerebralspinal fluid