Respiratory System

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The singular form of bronchi is... bronchus
The smaller segments of the bronchus are called.. bronchioles
Surgical repair of cartilage... chondroplasty
Any disease of cartilage.. chondropathy
Tumor (or tumor-like growth) of cartiliage.. chondroma
When an emergency situation warrants the creation of an opening into the trachea, the procedure performed is... tracheostomy
The surgical procedure meaning forming an opening (mouth) into the trachea is... tracheostomy
Softening of the trachea.. tracheomalacia
Disease of the trachea tracheopathy
Surgical repair of the trachea... tracheoplasty
narrowing of the trachea.. tracheotomy
Tracheolaryngotomy is an incision of the _ and _ trachea and larynx
Inflammation of the bronchi... bronchitis
Involuntary contraction or twitching of the bronchus bronchospasm
Narrowing or stricture of the bronchi... bronchostenosis
A chronic dilation of the bronchi is called bronchiectasis
Chronic pneumonia or flu may result in a chronic dilation of the bronchi. The medical term for this condition is... bronchiectasis
Patients with asthma experience wheezing caused by bronchial spasms. The medical term for this condition is bronchiospasm or bronchospasm
Small clusters of grapelike air sacs of the lungs.. alveoli
The clusters of air sacs at the end of the bronchial tree are called alveoli
The entire process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and body cells is called... respiration
Respiration occurs in two processes
1. external respiration
2.internal respiration
External respiration.. occurs each time we inhale. Process results in a gas exchange between the air-filled chambers of the lungs and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries.
Internal respiration.. exchange of gases between the blood and body tissue cells.
Gas exchange between the body and the outside environment is called... external respiration
Gas exchange at the cellular level between the blood and body tissue cells is called... internal respiration
Pneumonitis is an _ of the _
5th leading cause of death in the US. Acute inflammation and infection of the lungs in which the alveoli fill with secretions.. pneumonia
pneumon/o means_ or _ air, lung
-ia means condition
A word meaning excision of a lung.. pneumonectomy
Pneumonocele herniation of the lung
Disease of the lung pneumonopathy
Abnormal condition of the lungs... pneumonosis
Excision of a lung.. pneumonectomy
-centesis means surgical puncture
Pneumocentesis is a surgical puncture to aspirate the lung
An abnormal condition of black lung caused by inhalation of black dust, which is a disease common among coal miners... pneumonomelanosis
Lungs are divided into _ lobes. 5
How many lobes are in the right lung? 3
How many lobes are in the left lung? 2
A person with lung cancer may undergo a lobectomy, which is an _ of a lobe. excision or removal
Inflammation of the lobe lobitis
Incision of the lobe.. lobotomy
Excision of the lobe lobectomy
Each lung is enclosed in a double-folded membrane called the pleura
A pain in the pleura is known as pleurodynia or pleuralgia
Inflammation of the pleura pleuritis
Hernia or swelling of the pleura pleurocele
Pleurisy inflammation of the pleura
The pleura becomes inflamed when a person has pneumonia
-algia and -dynia refer to pain
-a without, not
brady- slow
dys bad, painful, difficult
eu good, normal
tachy rapid
-pnea breathing
A term that literally means without breathing... apnea
Painful or difficult breathing dyspnea
Normal breathing eupnea
Rapid breathing tachypnea
A condition in which there is labored breathing in any posture except in the erect sitting or standing position. orthopnea
Incision of the chest thoracotomy
To remove fluid from the thoracic cavity, a surgical puncture of the chest.. thoracocentesis