RCM Advanced Rudiment Terms (Grade 2)

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Cedez Yield, hold the tempo back
Leger Light, Lightly
Lentement Slowly
Modere At a moderate tempo
Mouvement Tempo; Motion
Vite Fast
Bewegt Agitated, Excited
Langsam Slow; Slowly
Massig Moderate; Moderately
Mit Ausdruck With Expression
Sehr Very
Schnell Fast
Ad Libitum, Ad Lib. At the liberty of the performer
Agitato Agitated
Allargando Broadening, Becoming Slower
Arco For a Stringed instruments: Resume Bowing after pizzicato passage
Attaca Proceed without break
Calando Becoming slower and softer
Comodo At a comfortable, easy tempo
Con Fuoco With fire
Con Grazia With Grace
Con Sordino With mute
Dolente Sad
Giocoso Humorous, jocose
Grandioso Grand, Grandiose
Largamente Broadly
Martellato Strongly accented, hammered
Mesto Sad, Mournful
Morendo Dying, Fading away
Pesante Weighty, with emphasis
Pizzicato For stringed instruments: pluck the string instead of bowing
Primo, prima First, the upper part of a duet
Quindicesima alta (15ma) Two Octaves Higher
Risoluto Resolute
Ritenuto, riten Suddenly Slower, held back
Scherzando Playful
Secondo, seconda Second; second or lower part of a duet
Simplice Simple
Sforzando (sF, sFz) A sudden strong accent of a single note or chord
Simile Continue in the same manner as has just been indicated
Sonore Sonorous
Sopra Above
Sostenuto Sustained
Sotto Voice Soft, subdued, under the breath
Stringendo Pressing, becoming faster
Subito Suddenly
Tacet Be Silent
Tutti A passage for the ensemble
Vivo Lively
Volta Time (i.e. prima volta is first time, seconda volta is second time)
Volti Subito, v.s. Turn the Page Quickly
L'istesso Tempo The Same Tempo
Cluster A chord consisting of at least three adjacent notes of a scale
Polychord A Combination of two or more different chords
Quartal Chord A Chord built on a series of 4ths
Seventh (7th) Chord A chord consisting of a Root, a 3rd, a 5th, and a 7th.
Triad A Chord consisting of a Root, a 3rd, and a 5th