Answer The Following Presentation Aids Flashcards

Total Flash Cards » 40
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Q: Of the five senses, presentational aids are effective because we depend on _____ more than any other sense?

A: Sight

Q: The most unpredictable presentation aid a speaker could use is?

A: a person or animal

Q: From the following options, the best reason to use presentation aids is?

A: They help your audience understand and remember

Q: The type of speech that will benefit from the use of presentation aids is?

A: Any type of speech

Q: Why would a picture graph be used in a speech?

A: To present data in a less formal format which is easier for the audience to read

Q: When using a presentational aid, there is always the possibility of “something going wrong” while you are speaking. If something does go wrong, what should you do as a speaker?

A: Have back up supplies and a back up plan in case your best-laid plans go awry

Q: Shiloh was presenting a speech about the different types of classical music. He had a transparency of each type covered and played a selection of that music as he revealed and explained each type. Had Shiloh planned well for his use of presentation aids?

A: Yes; he used a combination of different types of aids effectively

Q: Elaine taped pictures of her Aruba vacation all around the room as presentation aids for her speech. She never referred to them, but simply created an atmosphere for her presentation. Was this appropriate?

A: No; because she should have explained the presentation aids, not just show them

Q: At the monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, a representative from a local tour bus company makes a presentation about the economic advantages for using her company’s services for visiting dignitaries. What kind of special-occasion is that?

A: A public relations speech

Q: The process of changing or reinforcing a listener’s attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors is?

A: Persuasion

Q: Our likes and dislikes are represented by our?

A: Attitudes

Q: The underlying internal force that drives us to achieve our goal is?

A: Motivation

Q: Knowing what your listener’s value or need and appealing to those values or needs is known in persuasion as?

A: Positive motivation

Q: In the process of persuading your audience, the most difficult to change is your listeners’

A: Attitudes

Q: Although Betsy lives in a state where carrying concealed weapons is legal, she wants to persuade her listeners that stricter handgun legislation should be passed. According to Maslow, which need us she addressing?

A: Safety

Q: The statement “Osama bin Laden was responsible for September 11th tragedy,” is a proposition of?

A: Fact

Q: Lawanda just didn’t want to change her stance on capital punishment, but Jack’s argument did make her think twice about her position. However, instead of being persuaded, Lawanda dismissed the arguments by deeming Jack’s facts unreliable. How has Lawanda responded to her own cognitive dissonance in this instance?

A: By attacking the credibility of Jack’s sources

Q: Oral language is different from written language in that it?

A: Is more personal and simple

Q: A cliché is?

A: An overused expression that may make listeners tune out

Q: Words that are particular to a profession are known as?

A: Jargon

Q: Antithesis is defined as?

A: A sentence having a parallel structure, but with the two parts contrasting each other in meaning

Q: When speakers substitute the word “flight attendant” for “stewardess” or “steward,” they are using language that is?

A: Non-sexist

Q: One strategy in improving your speaking style by creating cadence is?

A: To use parallelism in sentences or phrases

Q: Statements such as, “Money talks,” “That’s my car; isn’t she beautiful,” and “The wind moaned and screeched,” are all examples of?

A: Personification

Q: When Reverend Jesse Jackson says, “We must relate instead of debate; we must inspire instead of retire; and we must repair instead id despair,” what linguistic device is he using?

A: Parallelism

Q: Adriana presented a moving speech about the increase of random violence in her hometown. She cited an incident in which a male nurse rushed to the aid of a car crash victim and was inexplicably shot and killed by this victim. From this brief description, did the speaker use appropriate language in the speech?

A: No; she used a biased form of language when she said “male nurse”

Q: To add a sort of poetic touch to his speech on inspirational teachers, Julian described his favorite high school teacher as “an inspiration unequaled,” “a genius unrivaled,” and “a comedian unbridled.” What stylistic, dramatic device did Julian employ?

A: Inversion

Q: The audience’s perception of a speaker’s competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism is termed?

A: credibility

Q: The factor in a speaker’s that refers to his or her being perceived as energetic is known as?

A: Dynamism

Q: The term that Aristotle used to refer to using evidence and reasoning to reach a conclusion is?

A: Logos

Q: A process of reasoning from a general statement or principle to reach a specific, certain conclusion is known as?

A: Deductive reasoning

Q: What is the term for a conclusion reached based on available evidence?

A: An Inference

Q: Georgia argued that all people who commit murder should be punished. Further she stated that Farley committed second-degree murder, thus concluding Farley should be punished. Georgia has used?

A: A syllogism

Q: In his persuasive speech, Phil referred to the “horror of the 11th of September, 2001.” You recognize this as an emotional appeal to his audience’s shared experience or?

A: Myth

Q: The most common oral presentation of information or policy made in and related to the workplace is known as?

A: A Report

Q: A brief, accurate speech where the goals are to provide information and build another speaker’s credibility is?

A: A speech of introduction

Q: A special-occasion speech given to mark an anniversary of a special event, the completion of a long task, or high achievement in some field?

A: A presentation speech

Q: A phrase in which the initial sounds of words are switched is known as?

A: A spoonerism

Q: What should the speaker keep in mind when giving an acceptance speech?

A: Thank those giving you the award and comment on the significance of the award to you

Q: Routine summaries at meeting, reports to the board, sales pitches to clients, and training seminars for coworkers are all examples of?

A: Workplace public speaking