The History Of Romanticism Of Music Flashcards

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Of all the inspirations for romantic art, none was more important than


The deliberate intent to draw creative inspiration from the composer’s own homeland is called


Instrumental music that is associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene is called

Program Music
The composer whose career was a model for many romantic composers was Ludwig Van Beethoven
A romantic composer who earned his living as a touring virtuoso was Franz Liszt
One of the few composers fortunate enough to be supported by private patrons was Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

The word that is commonly used for a romantic art song with a German text


Franz Schubert (3, existence, reputation, # of songs)

· Led a bohemian existence, living with friends because he had no money to rent a room of his own

· At the time of his death, his reputation was mainly that of a fine song composer

· In addition to symphonies, operas, string quartets and other chamber works, he composed over 600 songs

The piano’s relentless rhythm in The Erkling unifies the episodes of the song and suggests the

Galloping Horse

Robert Schumann’s Works (3, descriptions)

· They are intensely autobiographical

· They are usually linked with descriptive titles, texts, or programs

· They are essentially lyrical in nature

Clara Schumann frequently performed the works of her husband and her close friend Johannes Brahms
As a composer, Clara Schumann wrote...(4) Wrote songs, piano pieces, a piano concerto, and a trio for piano, violin, and cello
Chopin's personality was Shy and reserved

While in Paris, Chopin: (3, marries who, made a living, success)

· Married the famous writer Aurore Dudevant (George Sand)

· Made a good living by teaching piano to the daughters of the rich

· Gave a great number of successful public concerts

Chopin’s Revolutionary Etude in C minor develops the pianist’s left hand because

The left hand must play rapid passages throughout
Until the age of 36, Liszt toured Europe as a virtuoso Pianist

Liszt typified the romantic movement because he (3, characteristics and skill)

· Had a charismatic personality

· Was a stupendous performer

· Was an innovative composer

Liszt created a one-movement orchestral composition based to some extent on a literary or pictoral idea Symphonic Poem

Mendelssohn is known as the man who rekindled an interest in the music of

Johann Sebastian Bach

Mendelssohn wrote in these musical forms: (3)

· Symphonies

· String Quartets

· Oratorios

The Fantastic Symphony reflects Hector Berlioz’s: Love for the actress Harriet Smithson

Partisans were startled by Berlioz’s Fantastic Symphony because of its: (3, characteristics)

· Sensationally autobiographical program

· Vivid description of the weird and diabolical

· Amazingly novel orchestration

Berlioz’s Fantastic Symphony is unified by the recurrence of a theme known as the

Idee Fixe

Was the founder of Czezh national music

Bedrich Smetana

Even though Smetana was deaf at the time, he composed a musical work depicting Bohemia’s main river as it flows through the countryside. The name of the river, and the musical composition, is the:

Antonin Dvorak’s music was first promoted by Johannes Brahms
Dvorak “found a secure basis for a new national American musical school” in the African American spirituals

The popular character of Dvorak’s New World Symphony can be traced to the composer’s use of these often found in folk music: (3)

· Syncopations

· Pentatonic scales

· Modal scales

Tchaikovsky (3, occupation, considered himself of another ethnicity, made peaceful music)

· Progress in music was so raped that after graduating from the St. Petersburg Conservatory he became professor of harmony at the new Moscow Conservatory

· Was not a member of the “Russian Five”, but considered himself Russian in the fullest sense of the word

· With elements of French, Italian, and German music as well as Russian folk songs, fused national and international elements to produce intensely subjective and passionate music

Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony

Ends with a slow, despairing finale

Johannes Brahms (3, early occupations, influence, reintroduced 3 works)

· When he was 13, Brahms studied piano, music theory, and composition during the day, and played dance music for prostitutes and their clients in waterfront bars at night

· Was a romantic who breathed new life into classical forms

· As conductor of a Viennese musical society, Brahms introduced many forgotten works of Bach, Handel, and Mozart

Brahms’s works are very personal in style, but are rooted in the music of: (3)

· Joseph Haydn

· Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

· Ludwig van Beethoven

The 1844 Treatise on Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration that signaled the recognition of orchestration as an art in itself was written by Hector Berlioz
A study piece designed to help a performer master specific technical difficulties Etude
Nonprogram music is also known as Absolute music

Berlioz influenced a whole generation of musicians, as one of the first great

Orchestral Conductors

Brahms named his composition A German Requiem because the text was chosen from

Luther’s German translation of The Bible