Define These Cultural Assimilation Terms Flashcards

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immigration to enter a county in which one was not born for the purpose of becoming a permanent resident
curriculum a sequence of courses offered by educational institutions
values qualities or principles that are considered desirable and important
cultures socially transmitted ways of thinking, believing, feeling, and acting within a group. These patterns are transmitted from one generation to the next
multicultural education An educational concept that addresses cultural diversity and equity in schools. It incorporates the different cultural groups to which individuals belong, with an emphasis on the interaction of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in students' lives.
equality State of being equal in that one cultural group is not inferior or superior to another and that all groups have access to the same benefits of society regardless of their group memberships
social justice A philosophy that expects citizens to provide for those persons in society who are not as advantaged as others
sexism The conscious or unconscious belief that men are superior to women that results in behavior and action to maintain the superior, powerful position of males in society and families
racism Belief that one race has inherent superiority over all others and thereby has the right to dominate
cultural capital Endowments such as academic competence, language competence, and wealth that provide an advantage to an individual, family, or group
compensatory education The provision of special services to students who have limited economic or educational advantages with a goal of reducing the educational gap between them and more advantaged students
socialization Process of learning the social norms and expectations of a culture
critical thinking An effort to see an issue clearly and truly to judge it fairly without a preset bias
proficiencies Knowledge, skills, and dispositions that students or teacher acquire to meet standards
enculturation Process of acquiring the characteristics of a given culture and becoming competent in its language and ways of behaving and learning
ethnocentrism View that one's cultural group is superior to all others
subsocieties Systems of values, attitudes, and behaviors of social groups within society. examples are gangs,groupies, and skinheads
Subcultures Subsocieties connected to cultural groups memberships such as gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, exceptionalities, language, and age
cultural borders A boundary based on cultural differences that may limit an individuals understanding of persons form a different cultural background
Assimilation Process by which groups adopt or change the dominant culture
Informal Curriculum Rules that guide the expected behaviors and attitudes of students in schools
Bicultural A person who is competent in two cultures and educational programs that recognize the value and worth of both the dominant culture and the culture of a student's family, enhancing the development or maintenance of a positive self-image
otherness Cultural groups that are different from our own
individualism Dominant feature of Western culture that stresses the rights, freedom, and importance of individuals over groups
freedom Not being unduly hampered or constrained in choice or action by others
privileged Individuals or groups whose socioeconomic status, race, native language, gender, or other group memberships give them advantages and power over others in society.
canon The principles, rules, standards, values, or norms that guide a Western European education
marginalization Relegation to a position that is nor part o the mainstream nor accepted by most people
alienation Estrangement or disconnected from oneself or others
acculturation Adoption of the dominant group's cultural patterns by a new or oppressed group
structural assimilation Assimilation of groups to the point that they share primary relationships, intermarry, and have equality within the dominant group
involuntary immigrants Immigrants who did not choose to emigrate from their native countries, but were forced to or conquered by the country in which they are living
cultural pluralism The maintenance of cultures as parallel and equal to the dominant culture in a society
democracy A government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through elected representatives.
egalitarianism A belief in social, political, and economic rights and privileges for all people
meritocracy A system based on the belief that an individuals achievements are based on their own personal merits and hard work and that the people who achieve at the highest levels deserve the greatest social and financial rewards
inequality Marked distinctions in economic success, educational achievement, educational credentials, and power among groups of people
social justice A philosophy that expects citizens to provide for those persons in society who are not as advantaged as others
prejudice Negative attitudes about a group of people
discrimination The arbitrary denial of the privileges and rewards of society to members of a group
stereotyped Application of generalizations, many of which are negative, about a group without consideration of individual differences within the group
ethnic groups Membership based on one's national origin or the national origin or one's ancestors when they immigrated to the United States
indigenous Population that is native to a country or region. In the United States, American Indians, Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives are these populations
emigrated To leave one's native country to relocate in another country
civil rights The rights of personal liberty guaranteed by the 13th and 14th amendments to the US Constitution and by acts of Congress
nativism Policy favoring assimilated ethnic groups over more recent immigrants
nationalism National identity based on common language, common culture, and loyalty and devotion to a nation
asylees Individuals who travel to the US from another country to ask for asylum or protection from being persecuted in their native country
refugees Persons recognized by the US government as being persecuted or legitimately bearing persecution in their home country because of race, religion, nationality, or membership in a specific social or political group
cultural capital Endowments such as academic competence, language competence, and wealth that provide an advantage to an individual, family, or group
JIm Crow Laws Legal restrictions preventing persons of color from sharing public accommodations with whites
Title IX Legislation passed by Congress in 1972 to provide females with equal access to all aspects of education
De Jure Segregation The separation of groups of people that has been mandated by city, state, or federal government policies
De Facto Segregation The separation of groups that occurs as people choose to live in different neighborhoods or participate in different clubs and social groups
Endogamy Marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group
Caste A distinction imposed at birth to justify the inequitable social distribution or power and privilege on a group
Nordic Race Germanic people of northern Europe who are white with a tall stature, long head, light skin and hair, and blue eyes
Miscegenation Marriage between persons of different races
Acting White A label used by some people to describe persons of the same race who take on behaviors, values, and attitudes of the dominant white culture
Stereotypes Exaggerated and usually biased views of a group
Color Blindness Claim that one does not see a person's race and treats everyone equally regardless of race
Afrocentric Curriculum Curriculum centered on or derived from African history, culture, and traditions
Multiethnic Curriculum A course of studies that reflects accurate and positive information about the history, experiences, contributions, and perspectives of the ethnic groups that comprise the US population
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) A minimum level of improvements - measurable in terms of student performance - that school districts and schools must achieve within specific time frames specified in the law No Child Left Behind