Define The Following Dermatology Terms Flashcards

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Integumentary system the skin and all associated parts(glands, hair, and nails)
epidermis The outer layer of the skin. Composed of stratified squamous epithelium.
Dermis The inner layer of the skin. Consists of dense connective tissue that is rich with blood and lympth vessels, nerve endings, oil and sweat glands, and hair follicles.
Subcutaneous layer Located below the dermis. Connective tissue layer that binds the dermis to the underlying structures.
Melanocytes Specialized epithelial cells found primarily in the epidermis. They synthesize melanin.
Melanin Provides a protective barrier to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight.
Adipose Tissue Contains lipocytes (fat cells). Is part of the subcutaneous tissue. The amount of tissue varies with sex, age, region of body, and nutritional state of individual.
Sudoriferous glands Sweat glands that produce perspiration or sweat onto the surface of the skin through pores. Located primarily on the palms, soles, forehead, and armpits.
Sebaceous glands Oil glands. Referred to as exocrine glands because they excrete substances through ducts. These glands are located in the dermis and produce an oily substance called sebum.
Hair Found on nearly all parts of the body. Main purpose is protection. Insulates from cold and heat.
Nails Serve as protection from injury, aid in grasping and picking up small objects.
adip/o fat.
lip/o (lip/oma) fat
cutane/o (sub/cutane/ous) skin
derm/o (hypo/derm/ic) skin
dermat/o (dermat/itis) skin
myc/o (dermat/o/myco/sis) fungus
onych/o (onych/o/malacia) nail
scler/o (scler/o/derma) hardening
albin/o (albin/ism) white
leuk/o (leuk/o/cyte) white
cirrh/o (cirrh/o/sis) yellow
jaund/o (jaund/ice) yellow
cyan/o (cyan/o/derma) blue
erythem/o (erythem/a) red
erythemat/o (erythemat/ous) red
erythr/o (erythr/o/cyte) red
melan/o (melan/oma) black
epi- (epi/derm/o/lysis) above, upon
sub- (sub/ungu/al) under, below
-derma (scler/o/derma) skin
-logist (dermat/o/logist) spicialist in the study of
-logy (dermat/o/logy) study of
-oid (lip/oid) resembling
Abscess a localized collection of pus in any body part.
Alopecia partial or complete absense or loss of hair, baldness.
Cellulitis inflammation of cellular or connective tissue. Spreaded infection.
Cicatrix firm scar tissue that forms in the healing of a sore or wound. Scar.
Contusion Bruise. An injury in which the skin is not broken, caused by a blow to the body and characterized by swelling, discoloration, and pain.
Cyst Closed sac or pouch in or under the skin, with a definate wall, that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material.
Dermatitis Rash. Inflammation of the skin.
Ecchymosis black and blue mark on the skin caused by hemorrhages in the skin from injury of by leakage of blood from blood vessels underneath the skin. More serious bruise.
Erythema redness or inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes resulting from dilation and congestion of superficial capillaries.
Gangrene Necrosis or death of tissue. Turns black.
Impetigo Inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture.
Heterograft/ Xenograft Tissue obtained from an individual of one species for transplantation to an individual of a different species.
Cautery A technique used to destroy tissue by electricity, freezing, heat, or corrosive chemicals.
Keloid An overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a wound of the skin. Often happens at the site of a piercing.
Laceration Wound or irregular tear of the flesh.
lesion A wound, injury, or pathological change in body tissue.
Lipoma A benign growth made up of fatty tissue, synonymous with adipoma.
Melanoma Any group of malignant, darkly pigmented neoplasms that originate in the skin and are made up of melanocytes. Black tumor.
Nevus (nevi) A pigmented skin blemish that usually benign that may become cancerous. Mole.
Pediculosis Infestation with lice.
Petechia Minute or small hemorrhagic spot on the skin.
Pruritus Itching, may be from allergic response.
Pustule Small elevation of skin filled with lymph or pus.
Ulcer An open sore or lesion of the skin or mucous membrane accompanied by sloughing or inflamed necrotic tissue.
Decubitus An inflammation, sore, or ulcer in the skin over a bony prominence caused by impaired circulation in a portion of the body surface from lying in one position over a prolonged period. Bed sore.
Partial-thickness burns superficial burn that only damages two or three layers of the epidermis. Heal in 2 to 7 days.
Full-thickness burns Affect all skin layers, including subcutaneous tissue. Center of burn may feel painless due to destruction of nerve endings.
Biopsy Excision of small piece of living tissue from an organ or other part of the body for microscopic examination to confirm or establish a diagnosis.
Debridement Removal of dead or damaged tissue from a wound or burn site to prevent infection and to facilitate healing.
Skin graft Skin obtained from another part of the body, or from a donor, and used to repair a defect or trauma of the skin.
Autograft / homograft Any tissue obtained from one part of the body and implanted at another location in the same individual.