Integumentary System-Chapter 4

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epi- =above
derm/o =skin
-is = structure
EPIDERMIS is "true skin"

hypo- = under
derm/o = skin
-is = structure

sub- = under
cutane/o = skin
-ous = pertaining to
adip/o FAT
squam/o SCALY

kerat/o = hard, horny
-in = substance
-cyte - cell

a- = without
vascul/o = vessel
-ar = pertaining to
bas/o BASAL

mela/o = black
-cyte = cell

sudor/i = sweat
-ferous = pertaining to carrying

sebac/o = oil
-ous = pertaining to
seb/o SEBUM
follicul/o FOLLICLE
papill/o PAPILLA

epi- = above
onych/o = nail
-ium = structure

par- = near
onchy/o = nail
-ium = structure
cyst/o = sac, bladder Nodule filled with a semisolid material such as a keratinous or sebaceous cyst (see Fig. 4-3, A) p 124

ec- = out (pl. ecchymoses)
chym/o = juice
-osis = abnormal condition
Hemorrhage or "out of the vesseal or leaking" of blood into the subcutaneous tissue. The resultant darkening is commonly described as a bruise.

hemat/o = blood
-oma = mass
Collection of extravasated blood trapped in the tissues and palpable to the examiner, such as the ear.

macul/o = spot
Flat blemish or discoloration less than 1 cm, such as a freckle, port-wind stain, or tattoo (see Fig. 4-3, D) pg.124
patch Large, flat, nonpalpable macule larger than 1 cm.

nod/o = knot
-ule = small
Palpable solid lesion less than 2 cm, such as a very small lipoma. (see Figs) p124.
papul/o = pimple Raised solid skin lesion raised less than 1 cm, such as a pimple.

Superficial, elevated lesion containing pus that may be the result of an infection, such as acne. See pg 124.
vesicul/o = blister or small sac Circumscribed, elevated lesion containing fluid and smaller than 1/2 cm such as an insect bite. If larger than 1/2 cm it is termed a bulla or blister

Circumscribed, elevated papule caused by localized edema, which can result from a bug bite. Urticaria or hives results from an alergic reaction.

a- = no, not, without
troph/o = development
-y = process
Paper-thin casted skin often occurring in the aged or as stretch marks from rapid weight gain.
cicatrix A scar. An area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after destruction of some of the dermis. See Figs p 124
fissure Cracklike lesion of the skin, such as an anal fissure. see figs pg 124
ulcer Circumscribed craterlike lesion of the skin or mucour membrane resulting from necrosis or tissue death. Decubitus ulcer is sometimes seen in bedridden patients.

atopic dermatitus
a- = no, not, without
top/o = place, location
-ic = pertaining to
dermat/o = skin
-itis = inflammation
Chronic, pruritic superficial inflammation of the skin usually associated with a family history of allergic disorders.

contact dermatitis
dermat/o = skin
-itis = inflammation
Irritated or allergic response of the skin that can lead to an acute or chronic inflammation.
eczema Superficial inflammation of the skinm characterized by vesicles, weeping, and pruritus. Also called dermatitis.
pruitis Pruitis is severe itching. Can be resultant of chemicals, stress.

follicul/o = follicle
-itis = inflammation
Inflammation of the hair follicles, which may be superficial or deep, acute, or chronic.
impetigo is EXTREMELY CONTAGIOUS EXTREMELY CONTAGIOUS. Superficial vesiculopustular skin infection normally seen in choldren but possible in adults.

pilonidal cyst
pil/o = hair
nid/o = nest
-al = pertaining to
Growth of a hair in a cyst in the sacral region.

seborrheic dermatitis
seb/o = sebum
-rrheic = pertaining to discharge
dermat/o = skin
-itis = inflammation
Inflammatory scaling disease of the scalp (usually), and face. In newborns, this is called cradle cap

dermat/o = skin
myc/o = fungus
-osis = abnormal condition
Fungal infection of the skin. Also known as dermatophtosis

tinea capitis
capit/o = head
-is = structure
Fungal infection of the scalp. Also known as ringworm

tinea corporis
corpor/o = body
-is = structure
Ringworm of the body manifested by pink to red papulosquamous annular (ringlike) plaques with raised borders; AKA Ringworm

tinea cruris
crur/o = leg
-is = structure
A fungal infection that occurs mainly on external genitalia and upper legs in males, particularly in warm weather; AKA Jock itch

tinea pedis
ped/o = foot
-is = structure
Fungal infection of the foot; AKA athlete's foot. Fungus will grow where it is dark and moist

pedicul/o = lice ( singular- louse)
-osis = abnormal condition
Parasitic infestation with lice, involving the head, body, or genital area
scabies Parasitic infestation caused by mites; characterized by pruritic papular rash
herpes simplex virus (HSV) Viral infection sharacterized by clusters of small vesicles filled with clear fluid on raised inflammatory bases on the skin or mucosa.
HSV-1 HSV-1 causes fever blisters (herpetic stomatitis) commonly known as genital herpes and keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea.
HSV-2 HSV-2 is commonly known as genital herpes
herpes zoster (chicken pox)
herpes zoster
Acute, painful rash caused by reactivation of the latent varicellazoster virus; AKA shingles
verruca (pl. verrucae) Common contagious epithelial growths usually appearing on the skin of the hands, feet, legs, and face; can be caused by any of the 60 types of the humanpapillomavirus (HPV). Also called warts
alopecia Baldness or hair loss resulting from genetic factors, aging, or disease
psoriasis Common chronic skin disorder characterized by circumscribed, salmon-red patches covered by thick, dry, silvery scales that are the result of excessive development of epithelial cells
callus Common painless thickening of the stratum corneum at locations of external pressure or friction
corn Horny mass of condensed epithelial cells overlying a bony prominence as the result of pressure or friction; aka clavus
decubitus ulcer Inflammation, ulcer, or sore in the skin over a bony prominence most often seen in aged, debilitated, cachectic (wasted) or immobilized patients. Pressure sores or ulcers are graded by stages of severity with the highest stage 6=muscles, fat, and bone. AKA bedsore, pressure ulcer, or pressure sore

ichthy/o = fish
-osis = abnormal condition
Category of dry skin that has the scaly appearance of a fish. It ranges from mild to severe. The mild form is known as xeroderma. Xer/o means "dry".
Xer/o Dry

albin/o = white
-ism = condition
Complete lack of melanin production by existing melanocytes resulting in pale skin, white hair, and pink irdes (sing. iris). Albinos

dys- = abnormal
chrom/o = color
-ia = condition
Abnormality of skin pigmentation. Hyperchromia is abnormally increased pigmentation. Hypochromia is abnormally decreased pigmentation.
vitiligo (Michael Jackson's condition) Benign acquired disease of unknown origin consisting of irregular patches of various sizes lacking pigment.

an- = no, not, without
hidr/o = sweating
-osis = abnormal condition
A condition in which a person produces little or no sweat

hidraden/o = sweat gland
-itis = inflammation
Inflammation of the sweat glands

hyper- = excessive
hidr/o = sweat
-osis = abnormal condition
Excessive perspitation caused by heat, strong emotion, menopause, hyperthyroidism, or infection
Partial-thickness burn Burn in which only the first and second layers of the skin (epidermis and part of the dermis) are affected; sometimes called a second-degree burn
superficial burn burn in which only the first layer of the skin, the epidermis is damaged; aka first-degree burn characterized by redness (erythema), tenderness, and hyperesthesia with no scar development.
full-thickness burn burn that damages the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue; aka third degree burn. Patient will need a skin graft

angi/o = vessel
-oma = tumor
Localized vascular lesion that includes hemangiomas, vasular nevi, and lymphangiomas.

lip/o = fat
-oma = tumor
Fatty tumor that is a soft, movable, subcutaneous nodule

basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
bas/o = base
-al = pertaining to
carcinoma = cancer of epithelial origin
The most common form of skin cancer it originates in the basal layer of the epidermis. It usually occurs on the face as a result of sun exposure and rarely metastasizes (spreads to distant sites)

malignant melanoma
melan/o = black, dark
-oma = tumor
This cancerous tumor arises from mutated melanocytes. This particular cancer is the leading cause of death from all skin diseases.

squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
squam/o = scaly
-ous = pertaining to
carcinoma = cancer of epithelial origin
The second most common type of skin cancer, also caused by sun exposure, but developing from squamous cells
What are the three most common malignant cancers of the skin?
1. basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
2. malignant melanoma
3. squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
excisional biopsy biopsy in which the entire tumor may be removed with borders as a means of diagnosis and treatment
needle aspiration Aspiration of fluid from lesions to obtain samples for culture and examination
punch biopsy biopsy in which a tubular punch is inserted through to the subcutaneous tissue, and the tissue is cut off at the base

cauter/i = burn
-zation = process of
Destruction of tissue by burning with heat

cry/o = extreme cold or freezing
Destruction of tissue through the use of extreme cold, usually liquid nitrogen
incision and drainage (I&D) Cutting open and removing the contents of a wound, cyst, or other lesion

derm/o = skin
-abrasion = scraping of
Surgical procedure to resurface the skin; to remove acne scars, nevi, wrinkles, and tattoos.

dermat/o = skin
-plasty = surgical repair
Transplant of living skin to correct effects of injury, operation, or disease

lip/o = fat
-ectomy = removal
Removal of fatty tissue (usually surgical removal)

lip/o = fat
Technique for removing adipose tissue with a suction pump device