Fill In The Blanks With Correct Human Growth And Development Terms Flashcards

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Piaget Used the Term ________to describe the process by which new experiences are easily incorporated into existing schemes.
According to Piaget, when a scheme is modified based in some experience,________has occurred.
Sylvester has just learned how to pick up his cat Chester. Chester likes to be picked up and does not struggle. Later, Sylvester tries to pick up another cat named Thai. Thai is a Siamese cat who hates to be picket up and puts up a struggle. Sylvester learns to adjust his original cat lifting scheme after he has been scratched by Thai. This is an example of______-
Piaget saw equilibration as a balance between________
assimilation and Accommodation
In Order to overcome a state of disequilibrium, a child must
Recognize his or her schemes.
Bob is a normal developing 18 month old child. According to Piaget, Bob is most likely in the _________-period of cognitive development.
The Phrase "out of sight , out of mind", best exemplifies the Piaget concept of
Object Permanence.
Franciska does a pretty good job of completing spelling problems but does a much better job if she is given directions by her teacher. The difference between what Francesca can do alone and with assistance is nest defined as
Zone of proximal development
Scaffolding involves a teaching style in which assistance is always
Based on the level of the learners needs.
According to Vygotsky, Private speech is aimed at
Self regulation
According to Vygotsky, __________speech is the same as thought
The unique sounds that are combined to create spoken words are called
2 year old Ariel parents bought a Aquarium. They point at the moving things inside and call them fish. Arial have never heard the word fish before. But Ariel figure out that the moving things inside the tank are what is called Fish. This is an example of_____
Fast Mapping
Applying rules to a word that is actually an exception to the rule is called
When Andy bumps in to the TV he says to it,"you bumped into me because you are mean" Andy is exhibiting____
By definition, attention determines
which sensory information receives additional precessing.
________is defined as a diminished response to a familiar stimulus.
Junior is learning the values, behaviors and roles of his culture. In other words, Junior experiences
After his mother hear her son swear, she washes his mouth out with soap. If this action leads to reduction of swearing, his moms strategy can bee seen as a
As the third child is born. Fletcher should expect that his parents will______than they did towards his older siblings.
Set more realistic expectations.
According to Ericson, which is the foundation for the human development
Trust in self and others
Tiffany is an infant who has acquired Hope. which crisis of psychosocial development has she successfully resolved.
Basic trust vs Mistrust
Lily has begun to play "teacher""mommy""doctor".
Lily is probably in which of Ericson stages of psychosocial development.
Initiative vs guilt
Dr Wilson studies how Children form lasting social emotional relationships with adults. Dr Wilson is most likely interested in studying
Else has been playing alone, upset in her room. When her mother returns she is not comforted bet seems angry with her mother, Else is most likely exhibiting a ________ attachment.
When Faith's mother leaves her alone in the room, she does not move and appears a bit dazed. Faith is most likely exhibiting an _______attachment.
Pride, embarrassment, and guilt are all example of
Complex emotion
The Phrase "interest but no interaction" best describes ______-
Parallel play
As a Piagetian, Faye would believe that a concrete operational child's ability to reverse thought is due to their acquisition of______--
Mental operations
Angelica and her younger brother Houston are both given 3 fountain pens, each with clear ink, and informed that some combination of ink will yield a color.
Because Angelica is a formal operational thinker and Houston is a concrete operational thinker, how will their behavior likely differ?
Angelica will spend more time thinking about the task and be more systematic when attempting to solve it.
Working memory is best described as being________
Temporary and limited in capacity
Long term memory?
permanent and unlimited capacity
Although he has severely limited cognitive abilities, Leslie is an extremely talented pianist. Given this description, Leslie is best categorized as
A savant
A a gifted child, Alicia is most likely_____than her peers
Has fewer emotional problems.
Convergent thinking focuses on generating the most _____ answer?
A child with outstanding divergent thinking skills would defiantly have lot of
By definition, mental retardation involves both a below average intelligence and____.
Poor adaptive behaviors
When Dr Z tells a parent " your child is best categorized as having organic mental retardation" what does he mean?
The child's retardation is due to biological or physical problems.
Ten year old Ziggy is best described as Mildly mentally retarded. His intelligence is just below the normal range.His retardation is not due to any biological damage. Ziggy is best categorized_____.
With familial mental retardation.
_____is the most common are negatively impacted in someone with learning disability?
If asked to list key symptoms for ADHD, you should avoid saying
Six month old Teddy is playing alone with his favorite toy.Suddenly as stuffed bear falls down from a shelf and completely coves his bear. According to Piaget, teddy would most likely_____
Neither reach nor search for the bear
Adam waves "bye Bye" when he leaves his room and pretends to eat imaginary food. In other words, Adam is ______
Using symbols
Jon who is a per-operational thinker , watches as a movie character appears to turn from nice teenager to a werewolf. What is Jon's most likely reaction?
Terror! He is likely believes that the individual has actually become a werewolf.
Pavlos research involving a dog, salvation and a bell is correctly associated with_______-theory
Classical Conditioning
_______theory places the greatest emphasis on the relationship between consequences and the probability of a behavior reoccurring.
Operant Conditioning
Meltzoff and Moore's controversial finding that a 3 week olds would stick out their tongue to match an adult performing the same act has been used to support the notion of early life.
Amanda is a 4 year old who was the only witness to a robbery. As Amanda's friend and "psychology expert" what advice would you give her to help ensure that Amanda provides the most accurate testimony to the court. I would let Amanda know that the investigators might ask tricky questions so it is OK id she does not have all the answers.
Carmella is struggling in the "autonomy vs guilt and shame"stage of psychosocial development. What aspect of her psychosocial development will result from her successful resolution of this conflict.
According to Ericson,how would parents establish trust in their 6 month old?
Consistently responding to their babies need.
You are the infants "playmate". when distressed this child does not prefer you, but when the child wants to play, she chooses you.You are probably the child's______?
According to Lewis ( 2000), the only 2 emotional experiences by newborn's are?
Pleasure and distress
We would know that 2 month old Brenda is exhibiting a social smile when she smiles in response to_______?
Her mothers face
Which action would most likely cause anger in a 6 month old?
Taking away a toy they are playing with
Which is true regarding childhood play?
Girls tend to favor enabling and boys tend to favor constricting.
An altruistic act?
Cannot directly benefit one's self.
Elita is feeling guilty about sending her 18 month old to day care. assuming that she is sending her baby to a quality daycare, should she be worried?
No, as long at she is providing good mothering at home.
Dick and wendy wants their child to work hard. They have rules and expect their child to obey them. without question. dick and Wendy is most likely__________parents.
When Sam asked his parents if he can buy a car, his parents say no but sit down and explain to him the reasoning for their decision. They express affection towards him and tell him they might reconsider at a later time. which parenting style are they using?
When all of his friends call home to tell their parents they will be getting home late from the game, Jon doesn't bother. " My folks a too busy to care"
Ig Jon is correct, his parents are exhibiting a_______parenting style.
______occurs when a parent tells a child what to do, when to do it, and why it should be done.
Direct instructions
Whenever Roger says"please" his father gives roger what he asks for.This increases Roberts likelihood to use the work Please again.. This is a form of
Ian's mother tells him to stop watching TV and do his homework. Ian starts to whine and wont stop. Eventually his mom gives up and lets him watch TV as long as he stops whining. This is a form of?
Negative reinforcement trap
When Ester misbehaves her mothers makes her sit in a small quit place in the house.Esters mother is probably using?
Time Ou
Priscilla is pregnant. She and her husband has very high expectations about this child. They will be more affectionate and more punitive towards this child than towards any other.
This child is most likely the couples______child?
When George is angry as his children he looses control and strikes them. He is guilty of_______them
Physically abusing
"I am mainly interested in developing ways of measuring intelligence and personality factors"
Jon is having a hard time rememebring the capital of Wisconsin. His dad will be mad if he flunks his state capital test. Suddenly, Jon starts to connect between these 2 events. Dad will be "mad-at-his-son" = Madison
Jon is clearly using_______to aid his memory.

If a person believes in "general intelligence" then they believe that?
Some people are smart and others are dumb, no matter the situation.
The definition of a "learning disability" always includes?
Normal intelligence
Yaakov has problems in math.Though he is of normal intelligence, he just don't understand math. Yaakov is most likely
Learning disabled.
What is the causal relationship between food additives, sugar consumption, and ADHD
Neither are major causes of ADHD
If Fiona is a typical 6 year old, she would most likely weigh? height?
Weigh 45 pounds and be 45 inches tall
You are a parent of a 9 year old boy. How many calories should you ensure that your child consumes each day to maintain a normal rate of development?
Which task would an average elementary-age girl perform better than an average elementary boy?
Write her name in cursive
Bud and Lou are both playing with blocks. Though they are playing, they are smiling at each others and trade blocks from time to time.It is most likely that Bud and Lou are involved in?
Simple Social Play
Angelica is well liked by most of all her class mates. She would be best descried as?
Stevens classmates don't particular hate him;they just never pay him any attention.Steven would probably be best described as