Government 2305

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Globalization are we a global world? yes

-increasing interdependent of citizens and nations
Government FORCE

-ligit use of force
Governments oldest objective maintain order=rules
Thomas Hobbes he supports a strong central gov
Thomas Hobbes: live with out govt Solitary, poor, etc. NEGATIVE

life would be short
Survival of the fittest
John Locke Two Treatises on Government

influences Thomas Jefferson in writing Declaration of Independence
Locke: life, liberty, property Goverment objective is to protect life liberty and property but they replaced property with the pursuite of happiness
Karl Max/state German, all land and prodution will be owned by the state not the individual
Public goods Benefits and survices that benefit the people.
pay through taxes
government owned
Major objective of todays government is pormoting EQUALITY
Resdistribuing wealth taking wealth from citizens and spreding it out to the poor and through taxes
One person One vote all votes are the same not matter what
Equality of opportunity may the best person win
man or woman

equality of outcome you already know the outcome
outcome is predetermined
"original dilemma" balance between freedom and order
"modern dilemma" alance between freedom and equalityq
capitalism privately owen
less government
USA is a capitalistic nation
Laissez-faire government has a hands off attitude

survival of the fittest
libertarianism oppose all government
little taxes
minimum passive government

Anarchism no government
aka anarcky
no controll
liberal foster equality
government needs to be active in supporting equality

conservatives rather have freedom over equality
democracy angent
Demo=common people
political equality all votes count equally
direct democracy/modern societies we have moved away from direct demcorcy
indirect democracy/repsentative democracy we live in a indirect democracy aka republic
minority rights basic rights are given and minority rights are protected
pluralist model organized groups and more than one
elite theory groups are small and based on controll of wealth
us is controlled by they elite and is a oligarchy nation lakfjag