Farm Animal Nomenclature

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birth of pig farrow
birth of turkey hatch
birth of chicken hatch
birth of duck hatch
meat of cow beef
meat of horse horse meat
meat of sheep mutton/lamb
meat of goat chevron
castrated male pig barrow
castrated male chicken capon
castrated male chicken capon
castrated male turkey/duck not applicable
young male cow bull
young male goat buck
young male sheep ram
young male horse colt
genus cattle bos
genus goats capra
young female pig sow
young female chicken pullet
young female turkey hen
young female duck duck
genus pig sus
genus chicken gallus
genus turkey meleagris
genus duck anas
young male pig boar pig
young male turkey tom
young male chicken cockeral
young male duck drake
group of cows herd
castrated male cow steer
group of sheep flock
group of goats band
group of horses band
castrated male goat wether
castrated male sheep wether
castrated male horse gelding
cow birth calving
goat birth kidding
sheep birth lambing
horse birth foaling
genus horse equine
mature female pig sow
mature female turkey hen
mature female duck duck
mature female chicken hen
group of pigs herd
group of chicken flock
group of ducks/turkey flock
newborn pig piglet
newborn chicken chick
newborn duck duckling
newborn turkey poult
meat of pig pork
meat of turkey turkey
meat of chicken chicken
meat of duck duck
mature male cow bull
mature male sheep ram
mature male goat buck
mature male horse stallion
young female cow heifer
young female goat doe
young female sheep Ewe
young female horse Filly
Genus sheep Ovis
newborn cow calf
newborn sheep lamb
newborn goat kidd
newborn horse foal
mature male pig boar
mature male duck drake
mature male turkey tom
mature male chickcen cock