Define The Following Anatomy Of Patellofemoral Joint In Human Body Flashcards

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The anterior cruciate ligament prevents:

· Posterior movement of the femur on the tibia in weight-bearing

Patellar dislocations usually occur when:

· The knee is flexed and internally rotated

Chondromalacia may be caused by:

· Abnormal patellar tracking

When the patella dislocates, it occurs in a direction:

Which of the following conditions is NOT considered a problem associated with the extensor mechanism?

· Osteochondritis

After a first time patellar dislocation, the athlete is commonly immobilized for a minimum of __________ weeks.

· Four

24. Which type of brace can be used for patellar tendinitis?

· Neoprene Sleeve

The quadriceps muscles primary job is to:

· Extend the knee

Which of the following structures have the responsibility of cushioning the knee during impact activity?

· Menisci

Which of the following injuries would NOT cause a joint effusion?

· Patellar tendinitis

Improper care of a thigh contusion leading to incomplete absorption of the hematoma and producing a formation similar to cartilage or bone is called:

Myositis ossificans traumatica
The most common site for a stress fracture in the femur is the: Femoral neck
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head seen in children 3 to 12 years of age is called: Legg-Perthes disease
An injury that results from a blow to an inadequately protected iliac crest, producing transitory paralysis of the soft tissue structures is known as a: Hip pointer
Repeated stress on the pubic symphysis and adjacent bony structures by the pull of muscles in the area causes: Osteitis pubis

In managing a hamstring strain, which of the following should be avoided?

Stretching using ballistic movements

Which of the following is NOT a sign of a fractured femur? Internally rotated thigh
A condition found mostly in boys between the ages of 10 and 17 that produces motion restrictions at the hip and also produces knee pain is: Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

A hip sprain is best revealed through the athlete's inability to:

Circumduct the thigh

10. A quadriceps contusion must be identified and treated early to prevent:

Myositis ossificans

In an athlete who has suffered a second-degree quadriceps contusion, knee flexion is usually: Less than 90 degrees
In most athletes the hamstring group should have at least ________ percent of the strength of the opposing quadriceps group. 60 to 75

Strains are always a problem for athletes; they tend to recur because of:

Inelastic scar tissue that lies down during the healing process

A stress fracture of the femur is usually found ________.

In the upper third
Stress fractures of the pelvis usually result from: Abnormal overuse forces
Pelvis stress fractures tend to occur during: All of the above

Which of the following is a complication of a hip dislocation?

Avascular necrosis

Which of the following is NOT associated with an acute femur fracture?

Bone displacement is usually due to the great strength of the hamstrings

A positive Thomas Test indicates tightness in which muscle group?

Hip flexors

A positive Straight Leg Raise Test can be indicative of all of the following conditions


Inflexibility in the hip flexors

Which of the following muscles Do Not flex the knee?

Rectus femoris
The most important and most commonly injured bursa around the shoulder joint is the: Subacromial bursa
Which of the following muscles is not a part of the rotator cuff? Deltoid

The empty can test is used to determine injury to what muscle?

In which phase of observation is thoracic kyphosis detected? Lateral

What direction does the shoulder most commonly dislocate?

In a sternoclavicular sprain, the clavicle is generally displaced: upward and anteriorly

With an anterior glenohumeral dislocation, the athlete’s arm is (in):

Internally rotated with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees

Prevention of shoulder injuries is accomplished by all of the following except:

Development of extreme flexibility
Each of the following athletes is prone to overuse injuries of the shoulder except: Bowlers

The reason impingement injuries occur in the shoulder is due to:

Reduction of the space through which the supraspinatus muscle can pass
The mechanism for an acromioclavicular sprain is: A fall on an outstretched arm
A dislocated shoulder outwardly displays A flattened deltoid
When an athlete has suffered a clavicle fracture he/she will show which of the following signs and symptoms? All of the above

In which phase of the throwing motion are the external rotators of the rotator cuff

contracting eccentrically?

Which of the following tests is used for glenohumeral instability? Apprehension test
Which muscle(s) primary function is to assist with stabilization of the shoulder? Rotator cuff
In which phase of the throwing motion is maximum external rotation achieved? Cocking

The acromion process is part of which bone?

Which of the following is known as the true shoulder joint? Glenohumeral joint
An athlete comes off the field supporting an injured arm with the head tilted towards the injured shoulder and the chin turned towards the opposite side. Which injury have they likely sustained? Fractured clavicle

Which of the following rotator cuff muscles abduct the shoulder?


The ligament that stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius is the:

Annular ligament
Which of the following muscles is NOT on the anterior surface of the arm? Triceps
Which nerve can become irritated secondary to cubitus valgus present at the elbow Ulnar

The motions of the elbow joint are:

Flexion and extension
Lateral epicondylitis results from: Repetitive extension of the wrist
The adolescent athlete who complains of sudden pain and locking of the elbow joint should be suspected of having: Osteochondritis dissecans

If an athlete complains of burning and tingling or paresthesia to the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged?

Ulnar nerve
Most elbow dislocations result from falling on an outstretched hand and result in the ulna and radius dislocating: Posteriorly
Which side of the forearm receives the most frequent impact and therefore is where the majority of bruising occurs? Ulnar
A fracture resulting from the radius and ulna being forced backward and upward (hyperextension) is called a:

Colles' fracture

When an elbow is dislocated it is important to consider the possibility of: All of the above must be considered

Forearm splints are seen most frequently in which sport?


Which of the following best describes the volar plate?

Thickened capsule on the palmar surface of the interphalangeal joints

A wrist ganglion is often seen in sports and most frequently appears:

On the dorsal surface of the wrist
. Severe point tenderness in the anatomical "snuffbox" may indicate a fracture of which bone? Scaphoid (navicular)
Treating a suspected phalanx fracture includes all the following except: Splinting the finger in extension
A deformity caused by a rupture of the extensor tendon over the distal phalanx is called: Mallet finger
To ensure the most complete healing of a dislocated PIP and DIP joint, constant splinting must be maintained at a 30-degree angle of flexion for how long? 3 weeks
Which of the following bones of the wrist is most commonly injured from contact while holding an implement? Hamate
Which of the following results from a rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon? Jersey finger
What motion(s) occur at the radioulnar joint? Pronation and supination