Can You Explain The Various Eye Diseases Flashcards

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Arteritis Arterial inflammation
Hyperopia Farsightedness
Hypertrophied Enlarged
Myopia Nearsightedness
Amblyopia Reduced vision on an eye - no obvious reason
Anklosis Immobility of a joint
Audiogram Record of hearing test

Double vision
Hitoplasmosis Systemic respiratory disease caused by a fungus
Laser Photocoagulation Coagulation of blood vessels in eye by laser
Macula Small spot of colored area
Photophobia Sensitivity to light
Purulent Containing pus
Seborrhea Excessive secretion of sebum from sebaceous glands
Tonometry Measeurement of intraocular pressure
Toxoplasmosis disease from protozoa from mammals and birds
Layers of eye Sclera, choroids, retina
Colorless, transparent portion of eye Cornea
Classifications of hearing loss Conductive and senorineural
Symptoms Otosclerosis Gradual hearing loss of low/soft sounds, tinnitis
Canal that connects middel ear with nasopharynx Eustachian Tube
Shape of eyeball Spherical
Structure that maintains balance Labyrinth
Sensory receptors in retina that detect color and refinement Cones
Earwax Cerumen
Jellylike substance in orb Vitreous Humor
Internal elastic disc that focuses images, near and far Lens
Cause of Cholesteatoma Estauchian tube fails to open blocking tube which fills with stuff from recurring ear infections. Tube develops weak pocket, skin cells collect.
Short eyeball Hyperopia
Long eyeball Myopia
Cause astigmatism Nonshperical cornea
Symptoms refractive errors Blurred vision, fatigue
Most common nystagmus Congenital
Bacteria responsible for styesD Staphylococci
Symptoms Keraitits Decreased vision, irritaion, tearing, photophobia, redness of conjunctiva
Cuase Cataracts Opacification of lens - aging process
Cure for Macular Degeneration No
Retinal blood vessels in a diabetic Diabetic Retinopathy
Causes for ruptured eardrums Sharp objects, explosion, infection, blow to ear.
Portion that regulates light to eyeD Iris, colored portion
Four major refractive errors Hyperopis, Myopia, Astignatism, Presbyopia
Strabismus Failure of the eyes to look in the same direction, weakness in nerve impluse failing to control muscles
Esotropia Inward turning of eyes, crosseyed
Exotropia Outward turing of eyes
Nonulcerative blepharitis Exposure to dust, smoke, chemicals
Symptoms Stye Pain, swelling, redness
Cause Keratitis Herpes Simplex
Blepharitis inflamation of the margins of the eyelids, scondary to seborrhea,
BlepharoptosisD {tpsos. drooping eyelid, age related, familiar and can obstruct vision
Cause Conjunctivitis Bacterial or viral
Corneal Abrasion Painful loss of epithelium or outer layer of cornea
Symptoms of ear disease requiring medical attention Hearing loss, pain, pressure, tinnitus, vomiting
Most common ailment of children Otits Media
Treatment Blepharitis Antibiotic Opthalmic oint.
Treatment Bacterial conjunctivitis Topical Antibiotic
Treatment Glaucoma Betaxolol, timolol, latanoprost
Use of prescribed meds for open angle glaucoma Use on regular basis, don't miss doses
Meds used for Macular degeneration Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc
Treatment Otits Media Ibuprofen, pseudoephedrine, sulfamethoxazole
Treatment Meniere's Disesase Meclizine (antivert)
Otosclerosis Ankylosing of the stapes
Labyrinthitis Inflamation of the semicircular canal
Conductive hearing loss - causes Cerumen impaction, otitis media, otosclerosis
Most common cause of blindness in US Macular degeneration
Process of vision Light through lens, impact retina, rods/cones stimulated, nerve impluses sent to brain by optic nerve.
Nystagmus Repetitve/involuntary movement of one/both eyes from abnormality of retina, congenital defects, pathologic anomalyin brain or drugs
Strabismus Failure of eyes to look in same direction, muscel/nerve failure, other disease processes
Hordeolum Stye
Symptoms Conjunctivitis Redness, swelling, itching, tearing, light sensitivity. Purulent discharge. Highly contacgious.
How do cataracts obstruct sight Cloudy/opaque lens obstructs light
Diabetic Retinopathy Microaneurysm, hemorrhages, dilation of retinal veins, neovascularization.
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Laser photocoagulation and vitrectomy
Open Angle Glaucoma Blockage of travecular meshwork that impairs aqueous humor reabsorption, gradual elevation of IOP
Closed Angel Glaucoma Blockage in the drainage system of the eye, acute elevation in IOP
Retinal Detachment Opthalmic exam detects retina tear - partial to total loss of sight.
Causes Exophthalmos Enlarged Intraocular muscles, retrobulbar mass, edema of soft tissue. Hyperthyroid, hypthyroid, euthyroid (normal thyroid) stare, hemorrhage, inflammation
Cancer's effect on eye structures Bone of orbit, soft tissues muscles between globe and bone, optic nerve eyeball itself
Sturctures of ear Outer auditory cannal and auricle, middle ear: tympanic membrane, three ossicles, ET, oval window, inner ear: cochlea, labyrinth, vestibulocochlear nerve
Myringotomy Surgical incision into ear drum to relieve pressure, provide drainage, allow middle ear to fill with air
Meniere's disease Vertigo, tinnitus, progressive hearing loss, sensation of fullness in ears, N/V, loss of balance
Major Symptom of Labyrinthitis Vertigo