Essentials Of Human Disease And Conditions

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Allergen an antigenic substance capable of producing an allergic response in the body
Anaphylaxis a severe symptomatic allergic reaction
Asymptomatic without symptoms
Carcinogenic a substance that produces cancer or that causes transformation of a normal cell to a cancerous one
Chromosome structures in the nucleus of a cell that function in the transmission of genetic information
Genotype genetic code
Homeostasis a state of equilibrium within the body
Hospice unique concept of care developed to help patients and their families deal with lifethreatening illness
Ischemia holding back or obstructing the flow of blood
Metastasis spreading of malignant diseases or pathogenic microorganisms from one organ or part to another not directly connected with it
Mutation a variation or change in genetic structure
Pathogenesis the development of disease; pathologic mechanisms
Somatoform pysychogenic symptoms without an underlying disease process