
Total Flash Cards » 40
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A mineral is inorganic, which means that it contains ______________________. no materials that were one living things.
The color of a mineral's powder is called its _______________. Streak
If you broke a mineral down into tiny pieces, each piece would _________________. still show the same crystal structure.
A narrow channel or slab of mineral that is different from the surrounding rock is called a _________________. vein.
Magma that cools very slowly deep beneath the surface forms minerals with what type of crystals? Large crystals
A rock that contains a metal or other useful mineral that can be mined and sold at a profit in called a(n) ___________. ore.
A hard, colorful mineral with a brilliant or glassy luster is a(n) ______________. gemstone.
Which is NOT a factor that affects the size of minerals fromed in magma? fluorescence.
Which type of mine would be used to remove ore deposits from within a vein? Shaft mine.
After miners remove an ore from a mine, what process removes the metal from the ore. Smelting.
Steelmakers add other elements to irom to make ___________________. alloys with special properties.

An example of a mineral made up of a pure element is ____________________.
The repeating patter of a mineral's particles forms a solid called a(n)______________. crystal.
What do metal tools and machinery, the metal filament in alight bulb and steel girders used to frame an office building all have in common? They began as minerals inside Earth's crust.
What is the hardest known mineral? The diamond.
Which term refers to anyone who searches for an ore deposit? A prospector.
Most minerlals do NOT split apart evenly. Instead, they have a characteristic type of ____________. Fracture.
What crystal shape does halite have? Cubic.
Miners use earthmoving equipment to dig a huge hole in the process of ____________________. open pit mining.
Which type of mine often has a network of tunnels that extend deep into the ground, following the veins of ore? Shaft mine.
The term used to describe how light is reflected from a mineral's surface is ______________. Luster.
Minerals can form deep inside the Earth's crust by _________________. crystallization of melted materials.
Minerals may form on Earth's surface when __________________. Solutions evaporate.
What is a solid mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal? Alloy.
When steelmakers add chromium and nickel to iron, the result is ____________. Rust-resistant steel.
Halite is a mineral formed by __________________. evaporation.
The softest mineral on the Mohs hardness scale is _____________. talc.
What substance that is rich in carbon is mixed with iron ore in the process of smelting? Coke.
Although brick, steel and glass all come from substances found on Earth's crust, they are NOT classified as minerals because ____________. they are not naturally occurring.
The crystals inside a geode are formed when ___________________. A mineral solution crystallizes.
A mineral is always a(n) ___________ because it has a definite shape and volume. solid
The atoms of a mineral are arranged in a repeating pattern to form a solid called a(n)___________________. crystal
The usefulness of minerals called ______________ is that they can be stretched, hammered or molded without breaking. metals
The use of earthmoving equipment to dig a huge pit is called ____________ mining. open pit
A gemstone that is cut and polished is called a(n) _______________. gem
One way to identify a mineral is to rub it against a piece of unglazed tile to observe its ____________. streak
The process by which atoms are arranged to form a material with a crystal shape is called __________________. crystallization
Miners remove ore deposits that occur in veins by digging __________ mines. shaft
Lava at Earth's surface or _____________ below Earth;s surface cools and hardens to form mineral crystals. magma
Rocks that containa useful mineral that can be mined and sold for profit are called ______________. ores