Chapter 1 God's Revelation Flashcards

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The teaching that God, by nature, is beyond this world Transcendence
A trait of God which refers to his intimate union with and total presence to his creation Immanence
Atheist A person who denies the existence of God
Agnostic one who does not know if there is a God or not
St.Augustine wrote " You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until i rests in you"
Divine Revelation the gift of God's self-revelation by which he makes known tthe mystery of his divine plan
Salvation History The account of God's saving activity and intervention on behalf of humanity
covenant a solemn agreement of love between God and his people
YHWH a name for God that means "I Am Who Am"
Magisterium the official teaching authority of the Church
Deposit of Faith the body of saving truths and the core beliefs of Catholicism
Sacred Scripture the inspired Word of God
canon of the Bible the official list of inspired books in the bible
forty-six number of Old Testament books in the Catholic canon
Sacred Tradition the living transmission of the Catholic faith through the teaching, life, and worship of the Church
dogma a central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe
cardinal virtues prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice
virtues moral excellence and righteousness
faith theological virtue that enables us to believe in God
Charity greatest virtue that enables us to love
religion a set of beliefs, values, and practices that binds believers in a realationship with God and other believers
Body of Christ a rich image for the Church from St.Paul
Marks of the Church one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic; traits that point to the essential features of the Church
St. Thomas of Aquinas presented famous five proofs of God's existence
creed statement of beliefs