Chapt6 2

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data in an object are known as fields
procedures in an object are known as methods
an object created from a class is called an __________ of a class instance
class ___________ normally have methods that perform useful operations on their data objects
________ variables can only store data and have no methods primative
Each ______ of the class string contains different data instance the instances aer all share the same design
each instance has all of the atributes and methods that were defined in the _______ class string class
rectangle object will have the following fields length width
Rectangle box = new Rectangle (); the box variable holds the ______ of the recangle object adress
methods that retrive the data of the fields are called accessors
methods that modify the data of the fields are called mutators setlength setwidth
each field that the programmer wishes to be viewed by other classes needs an ________ accessor getlength getwidth
each feild that the programer wishes to be modifed by other classes needs a mutator
________ fields and ______ methods require an object to be created in order to be used instance instance
classes can have special methods called constructors
classes can have special methods called constructors
a __________ is a method that is automatatically called when an object is created constructor
________ are used to perform operations at the time an object is created constructors
constructors typically ______ instance fields and perform other object initialization tasks initialize
constructors have the same name as the _____ class
__________have no return types, not even void constructors
constructors are typically private or public public
______ variables can be declared with out being initialized rectangle box; this statement does not create a rectangle object. so it is an uninitialzed local _______ variable Reference
when an object is created, its constructor is ______ called always
if u do not write a constructor, java provides one when the class is compiled this is known as _____ it sets all the objects numeric fields to___ all boolean fields to _____ it sets all the objects reference variables to the special value ______ default constructor o false null
constructor that does not accept an argument is knwon as a no arg constructor this is what the default constructor is
a string literal is used to initialze a string_________ object
a string literal is used to _____ a string object initialize for instance string name= new String ("michal long"); string name= "michal long"
two or more methods in a class may have the same name as long as their _______ lists are diff. parameter
a method ______ consisst of the methods name and the data types of the methods parameters, in the order they appear signature