Chap 15 - Bones Of The Thorax Pelvis And Extremities

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Clavicle collar bone
1 on each side
connects breastbone to each shoulder blade
Scapula shoulder blade - 2 flat triangular bones one on each dorsal side of the thorax
acromion extension of the scapula that joins with the clavicle to form a joint above the shoulder
acromioclavicular (AC) joint joint formed by the scapula and clavicle
sternum breastbone - flat bone extending down the midline of the chest
xiphoid process lower portion of the sternum
manubrium upper portion of the sternum
ribs 12 pairs of ribs
1st 7 pair are joined anteriorly to the sternum by costal cartiladge
ribs 8 - 10 = false ribs join with the vertebral column in the back but join the 7th rib anteriorly
ribs 11 - 12 = floating ribs completely free at their anterior ends
humerus upper arm bone
joins with the glenoid fossa of the scapula to form the shoulder joint
ulna medial lower arm bone
olecranon elbow bone
radius lateral lower arm bone
carpals wrist bones - 2 rows of 4 bones in the wrist
metacarpals 5 radiating bones in the fingers
bones of the palm of the hand
phalanx (singular)
finger bones
each finger (except the thumb) has 3 phalanges (proximal middle and distal)
thumb has 2 phalanx - proximal and distal
Bones of the Pelvis Pelvic girdle - collection of bones that supports the trunk of the body
articulates with the femur to form the hip joint
ilium - uppermost and largest portion
ischium - posterior part of the pelvis
pubis - anterior part (2 pubic bones are joined by way of cartilaginous disk - area is called the pubic symphysis
iliac crest superior part of the ilium
filled with red bone marrow
serves as an attachment for the abdominal walls
pelvic cavity rectum, sigmoid colon, bladder, female reproductive organs lie within the pelvic cavity
Bones of the Leg and Foot femur - thigh bones
patella - kneecap
tibia - larger of the 2 bones in the lower leg
fibula - smaller of the 2 bones in the lower leg
tarsals - bones of the hind part of the foot
metatarsals - bones of the midfoot
phalanges of the toes - bones of the forefoot
acetabulum socket in the pelvis where the thigh bone is joined