Answer These Geography Of Oceanic Climate Flashcards

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Coastal areas located adjacent to cold ocean currents experience: less precipitation than areas located adjacent to warm currents.
In which of the following areas would the least amount of precipitation occur?

on the leeward side of a mountain range in the interior of a continent
As regards average annual precipitation, which of the following is correct?

Highest average values occur along the equator
Hot and wet" temperature and precipitation patterns are characteristic of:
rain forests in the equatorial tropics.
Cold and dry" temperature and precipitation patterns are characteristic of:

polar climates.
According to the text, climate change in the next 50 years could exceed that of:

the past 18,000 years.
Wladimir Köppen based his climate classification on:

temperature and precipitation.
The classification system presented in the text uses:

mixture of empirical and genetic factors.
The following was not one of six climates presented in the text:

The following climate covers the largest area: tropical.
Which of the following is true of all tropical climates They are found between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
The following climate has the longest rainy season tropical rain forest
Tropical monsoon climates:

have wet summers and dry winters
Which of the following is true of tropical savanna climates?

Their rainy season occurs in summer when the ITCZ is overhead.
Which of the following is true regarding mesothermal climates?

Over half the world lives in a mesothermal climate.
Marine west coast climates:
are sometimes found in non-coastal areas
Mediterranean climates:

are found on portions of the west coasts in both hemispheres
Mediterranean climates have:

cold currents offshore.
Humid subtropical climates:

are either moist all year or have a winter dry period.
Which of the following is true of polar climates They have no true summer period
Which of the following is true regarding tundra climates?

The warmest month is between 0°C and 10°C.
Polar marine climates have the most moderate temperatures of the polar climates
Ice-cap and ice-sheet climates have average monthly temperatures below 0°C.
Arid and Semiarid climates are classified based on both water balance and temperature.
The following factor increases the rainfall in a region warm current offshore
Tropical and subtropical hot desert climates:

receive less than half of their moisture demand
Which of the following is true regarding arid and semiarid climates?
Arid and semiarid climates occupy more than 35% or Earth's land
An area that contains characteristic weather patterns are called a/an climatic region
An empirical classification of climate is partially based on:
mean annual temperature and precipitation.
Relative to tropical climates, which of the following is true:
average annual temperatures are warmer than 18ºC (64.4ºF).
Relative to the Mediterranean climate, which of the following is false?

its warmest summer month averages below 22ºC (71.6ºF
The coldest climate on Earth, outside of the polar regions, is the: subarctic.
Relative to an Ice Cap climate, which of the following is correct:
its warmest month is below freezing at 0ºC (32ºF).
precipitation is more than half the natural moisture demand, but not equal to it, the climate is considered a/an semiarid steppe
The most extensive climates, occupying the largest percentage of Earth’s surface, are the:
tropical climates
According to the IPCC assessment, temperatures forecasts for mid-century will be between 1.1 Cº and 6.4 Cº higher.
Relative to future temperatures:

human society appears to be causing short-term changes in global temperatures and temperature patterns.
The warmest years in the history of weather instruments were:
recorded since 1990.
The following climate has a dry season that lasts from 6 to 12 months:
tropical monsoon
Which of the following is true regarding climate Climate includes both the averages and extremes
The present concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is: higher than any time in the last 800,000 years.