Chapter 14 Teamwork Book Review Flashcards

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pg 487 If teams are used appropriately, they can be powerfully effective as a ___________________________
building block for organization structure
Lecture class note p.488 Teams can increase:
productivity, improve quality, and reduce costs.
Lecture class note p.488 Teams can enhance ________ and be powerful forces for :
enhance speed; powerful forces for innovation and change.
Teams provide benefits for their members and is a very useful learning mechanism. True or False
Class Lecture note p.489
Team members can provide one another with __________; identify opportunities for growth and development; and train, coach, and mentor.

criticism | communication | feedback | productivity
p. 489 A ____________ is a collection of people who work in the same area or have been drawn together to undertake a task but do not necessarily come together as a unit and achieve significant performance improvements.

team | working group | colleagues
working group
p. 489 formed of people with complementary skills who trust one another and are committed to a common purpose, common performance goals, and a common approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

team | working group | colleagues
p. 488 teams that make/do things (i.e. manufacture, assemble, sell, or provide service); well defined; clear part of organizational structure; full-time, stable membership.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams
work teams
p. 491 composed of multinational members whose activities span across multiple counties; geographically dispersed; psychologically distant; works on highly complex projects with considerable impact on company objectives.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams
transnational teams
p. 490 teams that work on long term projects but disband once the work is completed.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams
project and development teams
teams that coordinate and provide direction to the subunits under their jurisdiction and integrate work among subunits.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams
management teams
pp. 491 teams that are physically dispersed and communicate electronically more than face-to-face.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams
virtual teams
p. 492 trend of today; workers are trained to do all or most of the jobs in the unit, have no immediate supervisor, and make decisions previously made by front-line supervisors.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams
self-managed teams
p 491 Virtual teams do not face the challenge of building trust, cohesion, team identity. True or False False
p 492 Name some advantages and disadvantages of self-managed teams.
Adv: more productivity, lower costs, provide better customer service, provide higher quality, have better safety records and more satisfying members compared to traditionally managed teams.

Disadv: people don't want responsibility; change is difficult, don't like performance evaluations of teammates or firing them; poorly managed conflict of a particular problem can occur.
p. 492 group has no managerial responsibilities; The front line managers handle all managerial responsibilities.

semi-autonomous work groups | traditional work groups | autonomous work groups |

traditional work groups
p.492 make decisions about managing and carrying out major production activities but still get outside support for quality control and maintenance.

semi-autonomous work groups | traditional work groups | autonomous work groups |
semi-autonomous work groups
p. 492 control decisions about and execute of a complete range of tasks- acquiring raw materials and performing operations, quality control, maintenance, and shipping.

semi-autonomous work groups | traditional work groups | autonomous work groups |
autonomous work groups
p. 492 ________________ are voluntary groups of people drawn from various production teams who make suggestions about quality but have no authority to make decisions or execute.
quality circles
p. 492 Autonomous work groups are also known as "self-managing teams. True or False
handles the responsibilities of autonomous work groups, control over hiring and firing, and deciding what tasks members perform.

self-designing teams | parallel teams| project and development teams | work teams | management teams | virtual teams | transnational teams | self-managed teams

self-designing teams
p. 492 Overall in the US, semi-autonomous and autonomous teams are not known to improve the organization's financial and overall performance. True or False
False; known to improve it.
Class lecture note ***very important** p. 493
When groups develop successful, they engage in various activities. Name the broad categories of engagement.
forming: group member attempt to lay ground rules for types of acceptable behavior.

Storming: hostilities/conflicts arise. Members resort to positions of power and status.

Norming: group members agree on shared goals, norms, and closer relationships develop.

Performing: group channels its energies into performing its tasks.
p. 493 The stage a group goes through when deteriorating is known as ____________________.
declining stage
p. 493 Traditional work groups add a adjourning/terminating stage. True or False
False; temporary groups add this stage.
p.493 Name and describe the first stage of group development
forming stage: is critical; at the first meeting rules and roles are established that set long-lasting precedents.
p. 494 Name and describe the second stage of group development.
midway point: time between initial meeting and deadline; group has enough experience to understand its work, realize time is scarce, must get on with it; time remains to change approach if necessary; groups should renew or open lines of communication with outside constituents.
p. 494-495 What are some reasons groups sometimes fail?
teams are launched with little or no training/support systems; lack/no empowerment, not knowing and doing what makes teams successful such as applying clear thinking and appropriate practices.
p. 496 What are the three criteria team effectiveness is defined by what?
1. productive output of the team meets or exceeds the standards of quantity and quality.
2. satisfaction of the team's personal needs.
3. committed to working together.
p. 497 The key element of effective teamwork is _____________.
commitment to a common purpose.
p,. 497 The best teams work hard at developing:
a common understanding of how they will work together to achieve their purpose.
p. 498 What recipe helps ensure the highest performance levels?
Teams with both difficult goals and specific incentives to attain them.
p. 498 The best team-based measurement systems inform top management of the team's level of performance and help the team understand its own processes and gauge its own progress. True or False.
p. 498 ***class lecture note*** _______________ occurs when individuals believe that their contributions are not important, others will do the work for them, their lack of effort will go undetected, or they will be the lone sucker if they would work hard but others don't.
social loafing
p. 498 definition: working harder when in a group than when working alone.
social facilitation effect
p. 499 If team members are rewarded differently, should decisions be left for the boss or the team? Why?
left for the team; team members have a better position to observe, know, and make valid reward allocations.
p. 498 If team performance is not measured validly, team-based rewards can be given accordingly.
False, team performances SHOULD be measured validly, therefore team-based rewards can be given accordingly.
p. 500 What skills are required by teams?
technical or functional expertise, problem-solving, decision-making and interpersonal skills.
p. 500 __________ are shared beliefs about how people should think and behave.
p. 201 ____________ are different sets of expectations for how different individuals should behave.
p. 501 _______________________roles are filled by individuals who have particular job-related skills and abilities.

task specialist | team maintenance specialists
task specialist
p. 501 ______________ develop and maintain harmony within the team.

task specialist | team maintenance specialists
team maintenance specialists
p. 501 ______________ includes exhibiting more social and political awareness, caring for team members, and trust-building.

Scouting | Relating | Persuading | Empowerment
p. 501 ______________ means not only influencing the team members but also obtaining external support for teams.

Scouting | Relating | Persuading | Empowerment
p. 501 _________ means seeking information from managers, peers, and specialists, and investigating problems systematically.

Scouting | Relating | Persuading | Empowerment
p. 501 ________________ includes delegating authority, being flexible regarding team decisions, and coaching.

Scouting | Relating | Persuading | Empowerment
p. 501 Self-managed teams report to a management representative known as the _______________.
p. 501 definition: ______________: refers to how attractive the team is to its members, how motivated members are to remain in the team, and the degree to which team members influence one another.
p. 501 What are the two important primary reasons for cohesiveness?
member satisfaction and performance
p. 502 Cohesiveness can lead to poor performance. True or False?
p. 504 Define "gatekeeper"
a team member who stays abreast of current information in scientific and other fields and informs the group of important developments.
p. 504 A team strategy entrails making decisions with the team and then telling outsiders of the team's intentions.

Parading | informing | probing
p. 504 the team's strategy is to simultaneously emphasize internal team building and achieve external visibility.

Parading | informing | probing
p. 504 involves a focus on external relations; requires team members to interact frequently with outsiders; diagnose their needs, and experiment with solutions.

Parading | informing | probing
p. 504-505 Name some roles perform as teams carry them out as working relationships develop:
1. work-flow relationships
2. Service relationships
3. advisory relationships
4. audit relationships
5. stabilization relationships
6. liaison relationships
p. 504 a type of relationship emerges as materials are passed from one group to another.

work-flow | service | advisory | audit | stabilization | liaison
p. 504 a type of relationship involving intermediaries between teams.

work-flow | service | advisory | audit | stabilization | liaison
p. 504 a type of relationship existing when top management centralizes an activity to which a large number of other units must gain access.

work-flow | service | advisory | audit | stabilization | liaison
p. 505 a type of relationship involving auditing before the fact.

work-flow | service | advisory | audit | stabilization | liaison
p. 505 develop when people not directly in the chain of command evaluate the methods and performances of other teams.

work-flow | service | advisory | audit | stabilization | liaison
p. 505 a type of relationship created when teams with problem call on centralized sources of expert knowledge.

work-flow | service | advisory | audit | stabilization | liaison
p. 505 Name some factors fostering conflict.
ambiguities in jurisdiction/responsibility, differences in goals, demographically diverse, members from different parts of the organization, contrasting personalities.
p. 506 Avoidance is a common reaction to conflict. True or False
p. 506 definition: a reaction to conflict that involves ignoring the problem by doing nothing at all, or deemphasizing the disagreement.

collaboration | compromise | avoidance | accommodation | competing
p. 506 definition: moderate attention to both parties' concerns, being neither highly cooperative nor highly assertive.

collaboration | compromise | avoidance | accommodation | competing
p. 506 definition: highly competitive response in which people focus strictly on their own wishes and are unwilling to recognize the other person's concerns.

collaboration | compromise | avoidance | accommodation | competing
p. 506 definition: emphasizes both cooperation and assertiveness

collaboration | compromise | avoidance | accommodation | competing
P. 507 Superordinate goals is higher-level goals taking priority over specific individual or group goals. True or False
p. 507 An accommodation style offers the best chance of reaching mutually satisfactory solutions based on the ideas and interests of all parties, maintaining and strengthening work relationships. True or False.
False, collaboration does this.
p. 507 definition: knows as a third party intervening to help settle a conflict between other people. What term is this?
p. 508 What is the four-stage strategy HR managers successfully use to settle most disputes?
1. investigate: interviewing disputants and gathering info.
2. decide how to resolve dispute:explore solutions.
3. take action: explaining decisions and reasonings.
4. follow up: making sure everyone understands the solution, documentation of solution and conflict, monitoring of all parties.
The best routes to manage conflict include:
prevent conflicts before they arise, monitor/reduce or eliminate problems soon as possible, as problems arise express your willingness to cooperate and be cooperative.