Biology Photosynthesis & Cell Respiration

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Photosynthesis Plants and other organisms convert light energy into chemical energy
Cell Respiration The set ofmetbolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP
Equation Photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy -----> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Equation Cell Respiration C6H12O6 +6O2 -------> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
The bubbles formed during photosynthesis are made from what gas? Oxygen
Glycolysis Glucose is split into two molecules of a 3 carbon sugar
Produces 2 molecules of ATP, 2 molecules of pyruvic acid, and two high energy electron molecules carrying NADH are produced
Can occue with or without Oxygen
Without oxygen--- called fermentation
Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle

Compounds NAD and FAD are reduced and carry high energy electrons to the next stage/ Occurs only when oxygen is present but doesn't use oxygen directly

Electron Transport Chain

Requires oxygen directly, electron transport chain is a series of electron carriers in the membrane of the mitochondria in eukaryotic cells/ High energy electrons are passed to oxygen/ in this process ATP is produced

Which stage of cell respiration produces pyruvate? Glycolysis
Which stage of cell respiration produces most ATP? Electron Transport Chain
Organelle involved cell respiration mitochondria
Organelle involved in photosynthesis chloroplast
Aerobic Respiration Contains oxygen (more efficient)
Equation Fermentation C6H12O6--------> 2 C2H5OH + 2CO2
1 glucose molecule converted into two ethanol molecules and 2 carbon dioxide molecules

ORganism that produces heat through internal means/ muscle shivering or increasing metabolism


Organisms which rely on environment for heat sources


Maintaining a stable internal body temperature regardless of external environment/ temp often hi

Poikilotherm Organism whose temperature varies considerable

The sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produce, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available

Highest metabolism

small organisms, endothermic organisms (produce own heat), warm

How does CO2 effect rate of photosynthesis increases rate, speed up
Eng products of light reaction? ATP + NADPH
End product of dark reaction Sugar C6H12O6
is photosynthesis endergonic or exergonic? endergonic
Cell respiration endergonic or exergonic? exergonic
Energy made during cell respiration? ATP
Two reactants used to make ATP? Glucose and oxygen (?)
Where does following rxn occur?
H20---> 2H + 02
Photosynthesis II, Thyllakoid
CO2-----> C6H12O6
Where occurs?
Stroma of the chloroplasts
Glucose---> Pyruvate
Where occurs? What phase?
Cell respiration: Glycolysis in cytoplasm
C6H12O6------> CO2
Where occurs? What phase?
Cell respiration: Krebs Cycle:
Matrix of mitochondria
Where does fermentation reaction occur? Cytoplasm
Where does this occur?
making ATP using NADH
Electron transport chain
Where does gas exchange occur in plants? Stomata
Making NADPH and ATP maybe cristae
electron transport chain
H20---> 2H + O2
What phase?
Photosynthesis light reaction
What phase?
CO2---> C6H12O6
dark reaction photosynthesis (calvin cycle)
Making ATP using NADH
what phase?
Cell Respiration: Electron Transport chain
Reduction Adding negative electrons to molecule/ adding hydrogen atoms
Making ATP using NADH-- NADH gives electrons to form ATP, therefore reduction
Oxidation Loss of electrons/ loss of hydrogen atoms
If one molecule is oxidized, must also reduce another molecule
Ie: NADH is oxidized when forming ATP because loses Hydrogen atoms/ electrons
In photosynthesis, electrons used in the electron transport chain come from what molecule? NADH
In cell respiration, electrons used in ETC come from what molecule? NADH and FADH2
The final electron receptor in phtotsynthesis is... NADP+
The final electron acceptor of cell respiration is... Oxygen
What is used by plants to harvest light? Pigments
What color of light is not absorbed, but reflected by plants? Green
True or false: A pH value higher than the optimum will icrease rate of photosyntheis? False; needs to be close to optimum for best rate
Which type of plant closes its stomata in the day and stores CO2 in the night in the form of malic acid? CAM (orchids, cacti, succulents)
What type of plant is corn? C4