Muscular System - Origins, Insertions, And Actions Of A Select Group Of Muscles

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Zygomaticus major - Origin
(Face and Neck)
Zygomatic bone
Zygomaticus major - Insertion
(Face and Neck)
Angle of mouth
Zygomaticus major - Action
(Face and Neck)
Elevates and abducts upper lip (as in laughing)
Sternocleidomastoid - Origin
(Face and Neck)
Sternum, clavicle
Sternocleidomastoid - Insertion
(Face and Neck)
Mastoid process
Trapezius - Origin
(Posterior Thorax)
Occipital bone, Vertebrae (spines of C7-T12)
Trapezius - Insertion
(Posterior Thorax)
Clavicle, Scapula (spine and acromion)
Trapezius - Action
(Posterior Thorax)
Elevates and depresses scapula; rotates scapula
Latissimus dorsi - Origin
(Posterior Thorax)
Vertebrae (spines of T7-L5), Ribs 8-12, sacral and iliac crests
Latissimus dorsi - Insertion
(Posterior Thorax)
Humerus (intertubercular groove)
Latissimus dorsi - Action
(Posterior Thorax)
Adducts, extends, and rotates arm (medially); Draws arm posteriorly
Pectoralis major - Origin
(Anterior Thorax)
Clavicle (medial half), sternum (body), cartilages of ribs 2-6
Pectoralis major - Insertion
(Anterior Thorax)
Humerus (greater tubercle)
Pectoralis major - Action
(Anterior Thorax)
Adducts, flexes, and medially rotates arm
Deltoid - Origin
Clavicle, scapla (spine and acromion)
Deltoid - Insertion
Humerus (deltoid tuberosity)
Deltoid - Action
Abducts, flexes, extends, and medially and laterally rotates arm
Infraspinatus - Origin
Scapula (infraspinous fossa)
Infraspinatus - Insertion
Humerus (greater tuberosity)
Infraspinatus - Action
Lateral rotation of arm; adduction of arm
Biceps brachii - Origin
(Upper Arm)
Scapula (supraglenoid tubercle), Scapula (coracoid process)
Biceps brachii - Insertion
(Upper Arm)
Radius (radial tuberosity)
Biceps brachii - Action
(Upper Arm)
Flexes forearm; Supinates forearm; Flexes arm
Triceps brachii - Origin
(Upper Arm)
Scapula (infraglienoid tubercle), humerus (lateral and posterior surface)
Triceps brachii - Insertion
(Upper Arm)
Ulna (olecranon process)
Triceps brachii - Action
(Upper Arm)
Extends forearm; extends arm
Flexor carpi radialis - Origin
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Flexor carpi radialis - Insertion
Metacarpals II and III
Flexor carpi radialis - Action
Flexes and abducts hand
Brachioradialis - Origins
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Brachioradialis - Insertion
Styloid process of radius
Brachioradialis - Action
Flexes forearm; supinates and pronates forearm
Rectus abdominis - Origin
(Abdominal Wall)
Pubic crest, pubic symphysis
Rectus abdominis - Insertion
(Abdominal Wall)
Sternum (xiphoid process) and inferior ribs
Rectus abdominis - Action
(Abdominal Wall)
Flexes vertebral column; compresses abdomen
Gluteus maximus - Origin
Gluteus maximus - Insertion
Gluteus maxius - Action
Extends thigh and rotates it laterally
Quadriceps femoris group - Origin
Rectus femoris - ilium; Others - femur
Quadriceps femoris group - Insertion
Tibia (Tibal ruberosity)
Quadriceps femoris group - Action
Extends leg; Rectus femoris also flexes thigh
Sartorius - Origin
Os coxa (anterior superior iliac spines)
Sartorius - Insertion
Tibia (medial side of tibial tuberosity)
Sartorius - Action
Flexes thigh and leg; rotates leg medially; rotates thight laterally
Gastrocnemius - Origin
Femur (lateral and medial condyles)
Gastrocnemius - Insertion
Calcaneus by way of Achilles tendon
Gastrocnemius - Action
Plantar flexes foot; flexes leg