Bacteria, Plants, And Protists Quiz And Information About Them Yah

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What are the major structural features of a bacteria cell? Cytoplasm, DNA, Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Capsule, Flagellum
What are the three shapes of bacteria? rod, spirals, round
What is the name of rod shape bacteria? Bacilla
What is the name of round shape bacteria? Cocci
What is the name of spiral shape bacteria? Spirilla
How to bacteria get their food? Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
What is the name for the type of asexual reproduction carried out by bacteria? Binary fission
What type of medicines kill harmful strains of bacteria? Antibiotics
How fast can bacteria reproduce? Some can reproduce every 20 minutes
What are at least four beneficial effects of bacteria? Bottom of food chain, produce foods, produce medicines, decomposers, produce vitamins, breakdown sewage
What are at least three harmful effects of bacteria? Cause food to spoil, tooth decay, illness
What human cells act as the bodies defense against harmful bacteria? White blood cells
What cell type do we find in members of the Kingdom Protista? Eukaryote
What cell type do we find in members of the Kingdom Eubacteria? Prokaryote
How do protists get their food? Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
How do protists get grouped together? Based on characteristics they share with organisms in other kingdomd
What are the three major groups of protists? animal-like protists, plant-lie protists, and fungi-like protists
How are animal-like protists like animals? Heterotrophs and can move around
How are plant-like protists like plants? All autorophs
How are fungi-like protists like fungi? Heterotrophs that use spores to reproduce
How are animl-like protists further divided into groups? Based on how they move
What are cilia? tiny hair- like projections around the edge of a cell that move in a wavelike projection
What is a flagellum? long, whip-like tail to help move the organism
What is a psuedopod? Temporary bulges caused by the cytoplasm flowing towards one location to help with movement and feeding
What cell type do we find in members of the Kingdom Plantae? Eukaryote
How do plants get their food? Autotrophs: photosynthesis
Waxy, waterproof layer covering leaves to prevent water loss Cuticle
What two structures help strengthen and support large plant bodies? Cell Walls and vascular tissue
Tubelike structures found inside a plant through which water, minerals, and food move? Vascular tissue
Vascular tissue through which food moves Phloem
Vascular tissue through which water and minerals move Xylem
What are the two major groups of plants? nonvascular plants and vascular plants
What are the three groups of vascular plants? seedless vascular plants, angiosperms, gymnosperms
What are the major characteristics of nonvascular plants? lack vascular system, do not have roots, pass materials from one cell to the next, live in moist environments, low growing
What are the major characteristics of seedless vascular plants? true vascular system, reproduce by releasing spores, live in moist surroundings, can grow tall
What are the major characterisitcs of gymnsoperms? true vascular system, produce naked seeds, needle or scale-like leaves, cones
What are the major characteristics of angiosperms? true vascular system, produce flowers, produce seeds enclosed in fruits
Mosses and liverworts are examples of what group of plants? nonvascular plants and vascular plants
Ferns and horsetails are examples of what group of plants? seedless vascular plants
Pine trees, cycads, and ginkgoes are examples of what group of plants? gymnosperms
Roses, corn, oak trees, and lilies are examples of what group of plants? angiosperms
What are the reproductive structures of gymnosperms? cones
What are the reproductive structures of angiosperms? flowers
What is the female reproductive structure in a flower? pistil
What is the male reproductive structure in a flower? stamen
Give four examples of pollinators? wind, insects, birds, bats
Sperm cells are found within what structures in plants? pollen
Egg cells are found within what structures in plants? ovules
In gymnosperms and angiosperms, an embryo develops within what structure? seeds
How does sperm make its way to an egg? trough a pollen tube
What provides protection to a developing embryo of a gymnosperm or angiosperm? seed coat
Ripened ovaries in angiosperms develop into what structures? fruit