Fill In The Blanks With Correct Terms For Nebular Hypothesis Flashcards

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Which solar system object has a kuiper belt? Comet
Which of the following is the strongest evidence in support of the hypothesis that the solar system was formed by the collapse of a gas and dust nebula? Images of stars with gas and dust disks surrounding them
Small planets do not have significant atmosphere because their _______ is weak. Gravity
What conclusion can be drawn from the fact that some planets with solid surface and satellites have impact craters? Planets and their satellites were showered by planetesimals
Which planet group has large orbital periods? Jovian
Which of the following is true of the jovian planets? All of these are correct
The 5th planet from the Sun is _______. Jupiter
Compared to the ______ planets the ______ planets have ______. Terrestrial; Jovian; many satellites
Which planet group contains rings? Jovian
Which planet group has a faster spin? Jovian
Which of the following lists the planets in increasing order of distance from the Sun? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, P;uto
The 7th planet from the Sun is _____. Uranus
Which solar system object is icy? Comet
Astronomers estimate that the age of the solar system is about _______ years. 4.6 billion
Which of the following is true of the terrestrial planets? All of the choices are correct
According to the nebular hypothesis, which of the following sequences of events are chronologically correct? Interstellar cloud, solar nebula, accretion, collisions between planetestimals, planets
Which solar system object has the most elliptical orbit? Comet
Astronomers believe that the satellites of the Jovian planets were ______. Planetestimals orbiting the growing planet
The Sun's mass is composed of ____ of elements other than Helium and Hydrogen. 2%
Why was the recent discovery that planets more massive than Jupiter orbit near-by stars in small orbits surprising? Because according to the nebular hypothesis, massive planets should only form away from their star
Which planet group contains silicates? Terrestrial
The Sun's mass is composed of _____ Helium. 27%
Which of the following explains the rocky nature of the inner planets? Only the rocky material could condense at the higher temperatures of the inner part of the solar nebula
Which solar system object has low density? Comet
Which planet group has an abundance of hydrogen and helium? Jovian
Which planet group has a large mass? Jovian
The Sun's mass is composed of _____ Hydrogen. 71%
Comets are ____ while asteroids are ____. Icy; rocky
The 3rd planet from the Sun is ______. Earth
The solar nebula is the disk of ____ from which the planets formed. Gas and dust
The 6th planet from the Sun is _____. Saturn
Which solar system object is 100km? Asteroid
Which solar system object has on oort cloud? Comet
The 1st planet from the Sun is _____. Mercury
Which of the following statements is a critical issue resulting from such comparison? Only very massive planets can form very near the star of extra-solar systems and the orbits of extra-solar planets can be very elliptical, suggesting that planets may migrate
Which solar system object has an asteroid belt? Asteroid
Which planet group contains craters? Terrestrial
Which planet group contains many satellites? Jovian
A successful theory of the solar system must be able to primarily explain: The fact that the planetary orbits lie approximately in the same place
Which solar system object is 10km? Comet
Which of the following objects is not a member of the solar system? The constellation of Orion
Which of the following explains the fact that the Jovian planets have more hydrogen and helium than terrestrial planets? The higher temperatures near the center of the solar nebula prevented the condensation of hydrogen and helium in the inner part of the disk
The discovery of extra-solar planetary systems supports the idea that over time, planets may migrate inward. True
As seen from the north celestial pole, the planets orbit the Sun in a clockwise direction. False
The fact that some satellites and planets have cratered surfaces supports the hypothesis that planets and satellites were bombarded by planetestimals. True
The discovery of extra-solar planets confirm Bode's Law. False