AP US History

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When he became attorney general, Robert Kennedy wanted to refocus the attention of the FBI on
  • Organized crime and civil rights
The 1962 Trade Expansion Act
  • Reduced American Tariffs
John F. Kennedy’s strategy of “flexible response”
  • called for a variety of military options that could be matched to the scope and importance of a crisis.
While it seemed sane enough, John F. Kennedy’s doctrine of flexible response contained some lethal logic that
  • potentially lowered the level at which diplomacy would give way to shooting.
American military forces entered Vietnam in order to
  • prevent Ngo Dinh Diem’s regime from falling to the communists.
When the Soviet Union attempted to install nuclear weapons in Cuba, President Kennedy ordered
  • A naval “quarantine” of Cuba
. The Cuban missile crisis resulted in all of the following except ?
  • U.S. agreement to abandon the American base at Guantanamo.
9. At first, John F. Kennedy moved very slowly in the area of racial justice because he
  • needed the support of southern legislators to pass his economic and social legislation.
. John Kennedy joined hands with the civil rights movement when he
  • Sent federal marshals to protect the freedom riders
President Kennedy ordered hundreds of federal marshals and thousands of federal troops to force the racial integration of
  • the University of Mississippi
By mid-1963, President John F. Kennedy’s position on civil rights can best be described as
  • committed to finding a solution to this moral issue
At the time of his death, President John Kennedy’s civil rights bill
  • was making little headway
14. The official government investigation of John F. Kennedy’s assassination was led by
  • Earl Warren
. President Kennedy’s alleged assassin was
  • Lee Harvey Oswald
President Johnson called his package of domestic reform proposals the
  • Great Society
With the passage of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution,
  • Congress handed the president a blank check to use further force in Vietnam.
18. Voters supported Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election because of their
  • all of the above
Lyndon Johnson channeled educational aid
  • to public and parochial schools
20. All of the following programs were created by Lyndon Johnson’s administration except
  • Peace Corps
21. In the final analysis, Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs
  • won some noteworthy battles in education and health care
22. The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplished all of the following except?
  • requiring “affirmative action” against discrimination.
23. As a result of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,
  • sources of immigration shifted to Latin America and Asia.
24. The common use of poll taxes to inhibit black voters in the South was outlawed by the
  • Twenty-fourth Amendment.
25. As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965,
  • white southerners beginning to court black votes
26. The high inflation rate of the 1970s stemmed primarily from
  • Lyndon Johnson’s refusal to raise taxes for spending on social-welfare programs and the Vietnam War.
27. The Nixon Doctrine proclaimed that the United States would honor its existing defense commitment, but that in the future its allies would have to fight their own wars without large numbers of American troops.
28. Perhaps Richard Nixon’s most valuable asset as he began his presidency in 1969 was his
  • expertise in foreign affairs.
29. President Nixon’s policy of “Vietnamization” of the war in Vietnam called for
  • a gradual handover of the ground war to the South Vietnamese.
30. The American armed forces in Vietnam were composed largely of
  • the least privileged young Americans.
31. The __________ Amendment _________ the voting age to ________. 26th, lowered, 18 years.
32. The Pentagon Papers, published in 1971,
  • exposed the deception that had led the US into the Vietnam War
33. President Nixon’s chief foreign-policy adviser was
  • Henry Kissinger
34. Richard Nixon’s policy of détente
  • ushered in an era of relaxed tensions between the United States and the two leading communist powers, China and the Soviet Union.
35. The decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren reflected its
  • deep concern for the individual
36. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court upheld a married couple’s right to use contraceptives based on
  • the right to privacy
37. Richard Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan
  • required construction trade unions to establish timetables and goals for hiring black apprentices.
38. All of the following were the legacies of Richard Nixon’s presidency except?
  • The food stamps program
39. The Watergate scandals caused by the actions of Richard Nixon’s staff in the 1972 presidential campaign involved all of the following except
  • ballot stuffing.
40. As part of the cease-fire agreement in Vietnam in 1973,
  • the United States was to withdraw all its troops from Vietnam.
41. Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign in 1973 after being accused of
  • accepting bribes.
42. During the Senate Watergate hearings, one of the most damaging revelations for Richard Nixon was that
  • his conversations in person and on the telephone had been recorded on tape.
43. The 1973 War Powers Act
  • required the president to report to Congress any commitment of American troops.
44. As a result of Richard Nixon’s aerial bombing of neutral Cambodia in 1973,
  • the Cambodian economy was ruined and its politics revolutionized.
As a result of U.S. support for Israel in 1973 when it was attacked by Egypt and Syria,
America had to suffer the exile of oil from Egypt and Syria
  • Arab nations placed an embargo on oil to America.
46. In an effort to counter OPEC, the United States took the lead in forming
  • the International Energy Agency
47. The most controversial action of Gerald Ford’s presidency was
  • pardoning Nixon for any known or unknown crimes he had committed while presidency.
48. The Helsinki accords, signed by Gerald Ford and leaders of thirty-four other nations,
  • pledged signatories to guarantee certain basic human rights.
49. In the Vietnam conflict, the United States lost
  • all of the above
50. Title IX was passed by Congress in 1972 to
  • prohibit sex discrimination in any federally funded education program or activity.