AP Lang : List Of Tones

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bitter marked by cynicism and rancor
sadonic disdainfully or skeptically mocking
sarcastic sneering, mocking
caustic stinging, biting, intense sarcasm
ironic subtle sarcasm, saying opp of meaning
satiric ridiculing to make a point
invective violent, abusive insult
didatic instructive
reverent respectful
austere severe, simple, unadroned
erudite learned, scholarly
esoteric exclusive, haughtily learned
mellifluous smooth, sweet
ornate elaborate rhetoric, florid style
staccato short, choppy
terse concise, pithy
disdainful scornful
lugubrious mournful, sorrowful
scathing bitterly severe
vituperative verbally abusive
facetious joking, not serious
critical finding fault
objective unbiased
nostalgic longing for past
pedantic narrowly, stodgily learned
laudatory praising
maudlin overemotional, sickly sentimental
sanguineous optimistic, cheerful