Ap Euro Treaties

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pragmatic sanction of bourges council over papacy, France picks bishops
concordat of bologna papacy over council, catholicism is french religion
peace of augsburg ends catholic/protestant war, calvinism not mentioned so it can spread, prince picks religion of territory
act of restraint of appeals king sovereign in england
supremacy act king head of church in england
act of submission of the clergy churchmen subordinate to the king
treaty of cateau-cambresis ended habsburg-valois wars, prince determines religion of subject, ended dynastic wars
peace of westphalia ended 30 years' war, authority of many german princes recognized, calvinism okay, ended idea of all-christian society, increased size of france
edict of nantes liberty of public worship to some calvinists, ends french civil war
union of utrecht 7 northern netherlands independent from spain
edict of restitution restored catholic properties, let catholics and lutherans practice faiths
treaty of tordesillas divides conquered lands into east and west
treaty of utrecht ends woss, france kept in check, england gets asciento, wars ruin french economy
petition of right king can't imprison w/o cause, force loans/levy taxes w/o parliament ok, house soldiers w/o consent, martial law in peace times
navigation acts goods to colonies must go by british ships
test act catholics cant hold public office
habeus corpus prisoners have the right to be brought before a judge
act of settlement protestant must always be on english throne
act of toleration puritans can practice religion
bill of rights protects parliament from monarchy
union act england/scotland/wales form the UK
pragmatic sanction habsburg possessions must never be divided and must be passed intact to a single heir