Fill In The Blank With Correct Organ From Digestion Chart Flashcards

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The organs of the digestive system form an irregularly shaped tube called the alimentary canal or the _________ ______. gastrointestinal tract (GI)
The churning of food in the stomach is an example of the ________ breakdown of food. mechanical
Waste material resulting from the digestive process is known as-- feces
Foods undergo 3 kinds of processing in the body: _________, ________, _________ digestion, absorption, and metabolism
The serosa of the digestive tube is composed of the _________ __________ in the abdominal cavity. parietal peritoneum
The digestive tract extends from the ________ to the _________. mouth to the anus
The inside or hollow space within the alimentary canal is called the ________. lumen
The inside layer of the digestive tract is the _________. mucosa
The connective tissue layer that lies beneath the lining of the digestive tract is the ___________. submucosa
The muscularis contracts and moves food through the gastrointestinal tract by a process known as _________. peristalsis
The outermost covering of the digestive tube is the _______. serosa
The loops of the digestive tract are anchored to the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity by the _________. mesentary
The largest of the papillae on the surface of the tongue are ________. vallate
The first baby tooth, on average, appears at age ______. 6 months
The portion of the tooth that is convered with enamel is the-- crown
The wall of the puplp cavity is surrounded by-- Dentin
The permanent central incisor erupts between the ages of __-__ 7-8
The third molar appears between the ages of __-__ 17-24
The ducts of the _______ glands open in the floor of the mouth. Sublingual
The volume of the saliva secreted per day is about -- 1 liter
Mumps are an infenction of the _______ gland. parotid
Incisors are used during mastication to -- cut
Another name for the third molar -- wisdom teeth
After food has been chewed, it is formed into a small rounded mass called a ________. chyme
The ________ is a tubelike structure that functions as part of the respiratory and digestive system. pharynx
The pharynx connects the mouth with the ________, which serves as a passage way for movement of food. esophagus
Food enters the stomach by passing through the muscular ___________ _______ at the end of the esophagus. gastroesaphageal sphincter
3 divisions of the stomach: fundus, body, and pylorus
Food is held in the stomach by the _______ _______ muscle long enough for partial digestion to occur. pyloric sphincter
ruage stomach folds
Lesser curvature Upper right border of the stomach
Lesser curvature Upper right border of the stomach
Hiatal hernia Condition that may result in backward movement or reflux of stomach contents into the lower portion of the esophagus
Esophagus 10-inch passageway
Tagameo Drug used to treat GERD
Triple therapy used to heal ulcers and prevent recurrences
Peristalsis Sesisolid mixture of stomach contents
Acid indigestion heartbearn
greater curvature lower left border of stomach
common bile duct The undion of the cystic duct and hepatic duct form--
hepatic duct Obstruction of the ________ ______ will lead to jaundice.
common bile duct The union of the cystic duct and hepatic duct form the--
lacteal Each villus in the intestine contains a lumphatic vessel or ___________ that serves to absorb lipid or fat materials from the chyme
major duodenal papilla The middle thrid of the duodenum contains the _______ ________ ________.
exocrine The liver is a ________ gland
Fats in chyme stimulate the secretion of the hormone _________. Cholecystokinin
The largest gland in the body is the ________. liver
Most of the digestion of carbohydrates takes place in the -- small intestine
Fats are broken down into -- Fatty acids
ose sugar
ase enzyme