Assertiveness is one of the essential skills in the modern working environment. There are many benefits of being assertive such as; better time management, increased ability to manage staff and customers; increased self-esteem and the ability to negotiate more effectively.

This is a short quiz to help you see how you can make your assertiveness skills better for better communication skills.

5 Sample Questions

Assertiveness always is appreciated.

  • A. True, it shows you have communication skills.
  • B. False, sometimes assertiveness can be confused with arrogance.

How do you channel assertiveness?

  • A. You make it a joke.
  • B. You blow it off.
  • C. Scream at the person you're upset with.
  • D. Handle the situation in an orderly manner and being firm with your request.

What is assertiveness?

  • A. Being demanding.
  • B. Saying no.
  • C. Being able to say no in a firm way and standing up for yourself and/or what you believe in.
  • D. Controlling the situation.

When should you use assertiveness?

  • A. All the time.
  • B. Only when your values are being violated.
  • C. When somebody wants to kill you.
  • D. With your mom.

A girl is bossing her boyfriend around and controlling who he can and cannot talk to. He should -

  • A. Take it as it is; it's his girlfriend.
  • B. Tell her he doesn't care about what she wants.
  • C. YELL at her for being nosey.
  • D. Express how he feels and tell her to quit being so controlling and that he needs his space.

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