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Earn More with Our SaaS Affiliate Program

Promote Proven & Reliable Tools

ProProfs is trusted by millions of users globally, offering top-notch software solutions for learning management, customer support, and employee training. Whether it's for creating online quizzes, training programs, or creating and managing knowledge bases, ProProfs is the go-to tool for businesses of all sizes across industries. By joining our affiliate program, you’ll promote a proven and popular product while earning a lucrative commission.

Excellent Commissions & Prompt Payouts!

Earn 40% Commissions & More

Earn 40% on annual plan referrals and 100% of the first month's subscription for monthly plan referrals. Get a generous one-time payout, ensuring you maximize your earnings right from the start.

Get Paid on Time, Every Time

Our straightforward and transparent payment system ensures you receive your commissions without hidden fees or unexpected delays. We believe in clear communication and reliable payouts.

Access Ready-to-Use Marketing Resources

Jumpstart your success with a wealth of resources. We provide you with compelling case studies, ready-to-use affiliate links, and engaging YouTube videos to promote our products and drive conversions effectively.

Get Exclusive Support to Help You

Maximize your earning potential with our dedicated affiliate support team. We're here to answer your questions, offer guidance, and provide personalized support to help you achieve your affiliate goals.

See How Your Earnings Multiply with the ProProfs Affiliate Program

Our SaaS Affiliate Program offers a fantastic way to earn passive income by referring customers to our suite of robust tools. But how exactly are commissions calculated? To illustrate the earning potential, let's take a look at a sample commission plan for ProProfs Training Maker, our marketing leading LMS. This demonstrates how your earnings can increase based on the number of learners and the chosen pricing plan.

Annual Revenue
(Price Per User: $1.97)
(Total Active Users 10)
(Total Active Users 30)
(Total Active Users 50)
$7200(Enterprise Plan at $6/user)
(Total Active Users 100)
Partner Commission
(Total Active Users 10)
(Total Active Users 30)
(Total Active Users 50)
(Total Active Users 100)

*This is just one example, and pricing varies for different ProProfs products and plan types.

We Believe Software Should Make Users Happy

Delightfully Smart Tools For Smarter Employees & Happier Customers line

Sameer Bhatia
I hate customer satisfaction. Satisfaction sets a low bar. People should be DELIGHTED when they use ProProfs.
Founder & CEO of ProProfs
15 million+

users each month


year mission



ProProfs Is a Recognized Leader in SaaS

Quality Choice
Crozdesk Leader
Software World
Brandon Hall

How It Works

How It Works
  • Sign Up for Free

    Join our SaaS affiliate program with a simple registration process.

  • Promote ProProfs

    Use your unique referral link to promote ProProfs solutions.

  • Earn Commission

    You'll receive a one-time commission payout for each successful referral.

Why Choose ProProfs

Delightfully Smart Products

From LMS, quiz tool, knowledge base, and customer support software, ProProfs is known for its delightfully easy tools that are simple, scalable, and affordable.

Extensive Market Presence

Our products are incredibly versatile and used across numerous industries, such as education, healthcare, manufacturing, corporate training, and customer service.

Global Trust

Join a network of over 15 million users and 1,000+ businesses across 150 countries who rely on ProProfs. Become part of a trusted global community.

Personalized Affiliate Support

We're dedicated to your success. Our team provides tailored guidance and proactive assistance, empowering you to maximize your earning potential.

Why Choose ProProfs

Who Can Join

  • Bloggers

    Creative storytellers who craft compelling content for small and medium businesses (SMBs) eager to grow or streamline operations using powerful software.

  • Influencers

    Passionate content creators who have already earned the trust of loyal audiences and are ready to showcase ProProfs' solutions in engaging ways.

  • Educators

    Passionate teachers, trainers, and course creators on a mission to design and deliver engaging online courses and training programs that make a difference.

  • Corporate Trainers

    Dedicated professionals focused on employee development, searching for innovative and effective training tools to enhance organizational learning experiences.

  • Tech Enthusiasts

    Tech-savvy enthusiasts passionate about discovering and sharing cutting-edge SaaS solutions and always looking for innovative tools.

  • Anyone Passionate About ProProfs

    If you believe in the transformative power of our products and want to help others discover their potential, we’d love for you to join our mission!

How to Get Started

Sign Up for Free

Sign up for the SaaS Affiliate Program by ProProfs.

Promote ProProfs

Promote ProProfs via Youtube, social media, newsletters, and more.

Track Your Earnings

Track earnings with detailed reports in your affiliate dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for the program?

Signing up is easy! Just fill out our registration form (here) and get started.

When will I get paid?

We process payments monthly, ensuring timely and reliable payouts. For monthly plans, you will receive 100% of the sign-up fee. For every new sign-up for an annual plan, you’ll earn a one-time commission of 40% on their signup fee. The fee is paid out net 62 days after your lead’s payment has been processed.