Korean Flashcards

24 Korean Flashcards

Korean Alphabet - Basic Consonants

The consonants can change in sound.  If it is in front, it has a harder sound, for example ㄱsounds like 'k'.  But when there are vowels in front, it is softer, ㄱ sounds like 'g'.Pronounciation guide: http://www.genkienglish.net/speakkorean/koreanalphabet.htm
Attempts: 250
Attempts: 191

Rosetta Stone Korean Vocab

rosetta stone korean
Attempts: 186

Korean Alphabet - Basic Vowels

For learning the Korean Alphabet Pronounciation here:  http://www.genkienglish.net/speakkorean/koreanalphabet.htmhttp://www.zkorean.com/appearance.shtml
Attempts: 186

Basic Korean Verbs (기본 �사)

This is a list of basic Korean verbs.
Attempts: 185

Korean Random Words 1

random korean words
Attempts: 185

Korean Basic Verbs

Basic Korean Verbs!
Attempts: 184

Elementary Korean: Chapter 1 - Basic Expressions 1

Choose the proper response to the situation.
Attempts: 184

Korean Verbs

flash card set for Korean verb. learn by heart
Attempts: 184

Basic Korean Adjectives ( 기본 형용사)

This is a list of basic adjectives (meaning they are easily conjugated)
Attempts: 184
Attempts: 183

Tang Soo Do Korean Terminology

Tang Soo Do test flashcards
Attempts: 183

Korean Vocabulary: Places

Korean vocabu lary pla
Attempts: 183
Attempts: 183

All Korean Vowels N Alphabets

All Korean Vowels N Alphabets.
Attempts: 183

Korean Verbs Vocab.

This is some Korean.
Attempts: 182

Korean Phrases 1

Set of Korean flashcards.
Attempts: 182
Attempts: 182

Korean Hapkido Terminolgy-Stances,Kicks,Strikes

adf��� ������  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½
Attempts: 182

Korean Hapkido Terminology

different wor ds and t
Attempts: 182

Random Korean Words/phrases Set 1

Random Korean words to remember.
Attempts: 182

Korean Environmental Vocabulary.

Words to help improve
Attempts: 182

Beginner Korean

verbs and other words
Attempts: 182

Korean Alphabet

A flash card set of the 40 characters of the korean alphabet-- 14 consonants-- 5 double consonants-- 6 pure vowels-- 4 iotized vowels-- 11 dipthongs
Attempts: 182

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