Dear Students!!!  
Welcome to the first round of the annual SEMester Contest!!! 
You have to answer the questions of our SEMester Quiz and show your knowledge and skills in Science, English and Math.
Part 1. Science. Questions 1-20. 
In this part you are to answer 20 questions that show your knowledge in Geography and Biology.
Part 2. English. Questions 21-50.
In this part you will demonstrate your Reading skills and knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar.
Part 3. Maths. Questions 51-60. 
In this part you will show your knowledge in Algebra, Geometry and ability to solve the problems.

You have only one attempt to answer the questions of the quiz.
Good luck!

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SEMester (Science, English, Maths) 5-6 Form
60 Questions
SEMester (Science, English, Maths) 5-6 Form


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