Biology - Scientific Method & Vocab v.1
12 Questions
For questions 1-6
Many types of frogs from South America, and Australia carry deadly poisons in their skin. When raised in zoos and aquariums, however, most of the frogs grow up to be totally harmless. About 10 years ago, researchers suspected that Poison Dart Frogs take up toxins from the food they eat, including ants and other insects, and store it in their skin. In a recent test, scientists were working with a toxin called “P251D”, often found on the skin of the tropical frog known as the Green Poison Dart Frog. The scientists sprinkled the toxin on termites and fruit flies, which they then fed to captive frogs. Later tests of the frogs’ skins showed that 80% of the “P251D” toxin was being secreted by the frogs.
For questions 7-12
A group of ten goats of equal weight and type (breeds) were fed a diet of potato peels.  Five goats were fed potato peels sprayed with a new vitamin mixture.  The weights of all the goats were taken after ten weeks.  The goats that were fed the potato peels with the vitamins gained an average of eight pounds more than the goats that were fed regular potato peels.

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