Self-Regulation Inventory

32 Questions
Self-Regulation Inventory

Metacognition, or thinking about how you think,  is essential to successful learning because it enables individuals to better manage their learning habits and determine weaknesses that can be corrected by constructing new thinking skills or strategies.  In order to work effectively in a self directed classroom, it is very important to spend time studying HOW we learn, in order to ensure that we can get the most out of this class. 

The assessment below is a slight variation of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory tool. By completing this assessment we will be able to have a very basic idea of the following:

  • Declarative Knowledge: Knowledge of one's skills and intellectual resources needed to identify and organize a topic of study. 
  • Procedural Knowledge:  Knowledge about how to implement learning strategies when studying.
  • Conditional Knowledge: The ability to know what learning tool is appropriate for a given learning task.
  • Planning:  The ability to set goals and allocate resources prior to learning. 
  • Information Management Strategies: Skills and strategies used to process information efficiently (e.g., organizing, elaborating, summarizing, selective focusing)
  • Comprehension Monitoring: Assessment of one’s learning or strategy use.
  • Debugging Strategies: Strategies used to correct comprehension when learning is challenged.  
  • Evaluation The ability to analyze one's performance and strategy effectiveness after a learning experience.
Our goal will be to see if we can improve upon your learning skills throughout the duration of this class.
Your initial score is in no way a judgement of your intelligence and will not be graded. Use it as a guide to become more self aware of how you learn and make note of areas you may need to improve upon this term.

Answer as truthfully as possible.  Thanks

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