Lückentext 1 step by step
15 Questions
Lückentext 1 step by step

Fill in the gaps!

Always start by looking for the subject!
1. Do you have a subject? (it must be in the nominative case! it can be noun or pronoun)

Then look for the verb!
2. Do you have a verb? An auxiliary? A modal verb? (it must be on the second or last place)
2a. Do you need a separable prefix? It must be at the very end!

3. Do you need a noun? It must be following an article or possessive pronoun (or a preposition)

4. Do you need an adjective?
It should be following an article or a possessive pronoun and must be followed by a noun!

5. Do you need a preposition?
Is there - with no other explanation - a noun in the dative or accusative case?

6. the sentence is grammatically correct without the blank > adverb


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