Online For-Hire Examination - Accela

Online For-Hire Examination - Accela

40 Questions
45 Minutes

The King County/City of Seattle online for-hire examination consists of 40 questions, 25 of the questions will focus on geography and 15 of the questions on other topics. In order to pass the exam, you will need to obtain a score of 80% or greater. Questions may be true/false, multiple choice, matching and audio. You will have 45 minutes to complete the exam. King County will notify you via e-mail your score. If you have not done so already, you can improve your exam scores by reviewing the Study Guide and Practice Exam.

Good Luck and Safe Driving!
All King County for-hire drivers are expected to conduct themselves in an honest and truthful manner. The for-hire exam is an integral part of the licensing process.  Only drivers who can demonstrate an understanding of the rules for operating as a for-hire driver, and an understanding of local geography will be issued a for-hire license/permit. As the applicant you are expected to take the exam individually and without other assistance. Assistance from others, or someone taking the exam on your behalf is considered cheating.

Cheating compromises the integrity of the exam and lowers the standards of those working in the taxi and for-hire industry.  Obtaining a passing score by cheating does not serve the public interest, or prepare you for success as a for-hire driver.

The following definitions, while not exhaustive, are intended to provide examples of the types of activities that can result in the denial of your for-hire application. 

Cheating: Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance, or intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials or information.
Examples include but are not limited to:
  • Taking the exam with someone else.
  • Using study guides, "cheat sheets” or online resources during the exam.
  • Having another person take the exam for you.
  • Taking an exam for someone else.
King County will be monitoring the exam results.  If you are found to have cheated on the exam or assisted another applicant with the exam, the penalty may include but is not limited to the denial or suspension of your for-hire license for up to one year. If you are suspected of cheating, you may be required to take and pass the exam in person under the supervision of a test administrator.  

By taking the exam, I do hereby certify that I have read the above information and that I intend to complete the exam without assistance.  


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