What was the best quote of the 2013 First Committee?

United States: "We believe that the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty would play a central role in leading the world towards a diminished reliance on nuclear weapons, reduced nuclear competition, and eventual nuclear disarmament ... We are fully committed to pursuing ratification of the CTBT and its entry into force."
  • 6.52%  (3 vote)
India: "'We cannot accept the logic that a few nations have the right to pursue their security by threatening the survival of mankind'... nuclear weapons are now an integral part of India's security policy as part of our credible minimum deterrence"
  • 6.52%  (3 vote)
Australia (on behalf of 17 weasels): "The devastating immediate and long-term humanitarian impacts of a nuclear weapon detonation are of clear concern ... This is why we reaffirm with a sense of urgency our unwavering commitment to achieving and maintaining the shared goal of a world free of nuclear weapons."
  • 8.7%  (4 vote)
Russian Federation: "the Russian Federation would like to propose to all the relevant parties not to waste effort and time on pointless topics such as, for example, the humanitarian impact of using nuclear weapons. Children at school already understand that any full- scale use of nuclear weapons would mean the end of human civilization."
  • 78.26%  (36 vote)

Total votes: 46