Andi siswa yang bisa cepat membaca
Hal itu termasuk ....
Correct Answer
B. Kelebihan
The correct answer is "Kelebihan" because the question states that Andi is a student who can read quickly. This implies that being able to read quickly is a positive attribute or advantage for Andi, hence the correct answer is "Kelebihan" which means "advantage" in English.
Semua kemampuan yang kita punya adalah karunia ....
Correct Answer
A. Tuhan
The correct answer is "Tuhan" because the sentence is discussing the source of all our abilities, implying that they are a gift. "Tuhan" is the Indonesian word for "God," which aligns with the idea of abilities being bestowed upon us by a higher power.
Sesama teman kita harus saling ....
Correct Answer
C. Menghargai
The correct answer is "Menghargai" because the phrase "Sesama teman kita harus saling" suggests that there should be a reciprocal action or behavior between friends. "Menghargai" means to respect or appreciate, which aligns with the idea of treating friends with respect and valuing their presence in our lives.
Semua kelebihan yang dipunyai harus kita ....
Correct Answer
B. Syukuri
The correct answer is "Syukuri" which means "be grateful" in English. This suggests that we should appreciate or be thankful for all the advantages or blessings that we have.
Menghargai teman adalah perbuatan yang ....
Correct Answer
A. Baik
Menghargai teman adalah perbuatan yang baik karena menunjukkan rasa hormat dan penghargaan terhadap teman. Dengan menghargai teman, kita memperlihatkan bahwa kita menghormati dan menghargai keberadaan mereka, pendapat mereka, dan perasaan mereka. Menghargai teman juga menciptakan hubungan yang sehat dan saling mendukung antara teman-teman.
Andi adalah pemeluk Islam
Santi adalah pemeluk Budha
Andi dan Santi berbeda ....
Correct Answer
B. Agama
Andi dan Santi berbeda agama karena Andi adalah pemeluk Islam sedangkan Santi adalah pemeluk Budha.
Risna berkulit putih
Sari berkulit coklat
Risna dan Sari berbeda ....
Correct Answer
B. Warna kulit
The given statement mentions that Risna has white skin and Sari has brown skin. It then states that Risna and Sari are different in terms of "Warna kulit" which translates to "skin color" in English. Therefore, the correct answer is "Warna kulit" or "skin color" as it is the characteristic that sets Risna and Sari apart from each other based on the information provided.
Danu berasal dari Jambi
Galang berasal dari Semarang
Danu dan Galang berbeda asal ....
Correct Answer
C. Daerah
The given information states that Danu is from Jambi and Galang is from Semarang. The question asks for the difference in origin between Danu and Galang. The answer "Daerah" (region) fits this context as it refers to the geographical area or location from which someone originates. Therefore, the correct answer is "Daerah" (region).
Walaupun kita berbeda dengan teman
Namun kita harus tetap ....
Correct Answer
A. Rukun
The correct answer is "Rukun". This is because the phrase "Walaupun kita berbeda dengan teman" suggests that even though we are different from our friends, we should still maintain harmony and unity. "Rukun" means harmony or unity in Indonesian, which aligns with the message of the phrase.
Memiliki banyak teman itu rasanya ....
Correct Answer
C. Menyenangkan
Having many friends is enjoyable.
Perbedaan agama dengan teman tidak boleh dijadikan ....
Correct Answer
A. Masalah
Agama is the Indonesian word for religion. The sentence states that differences in religion with friends should not be turned into a problem. Therefore, the correct answer is "Masalah," which means problem in English.
Soni memiliki tubuh yang pendek dan Ahmad memiliki tubuh yang tinggi
Walau begitu mereka tidak boleh saling ....
Correct Answer
B. Mengejek
Soni and Ahmad have different body heights, with Soni being short and Ahmad being tall. Despite this, they are not allowed to mock each other.
Keistimewaan yang kita punya tidak boleh membuat kita menjadi ....
Correct Answer
B. Sombong
Keistimewaan yang kita punya tidak boleh membuat kita menjadi sombong. Ini berarti bahwa meskipun kita memiliki kelebihan atau kualitas yang istimewa, kita tidak boleh merasa lebih baik atau lebih superior dari orang lain. Kita harus tetap rendah hati dan menghargai orang lain, tanpa merendahkan mereka karena perbedaan atau kurangnya keistimewaan yang kita miliki.
Rani suka bermain voli, Dani suka bermain bola dan Arin suka bermain tenis.
Berbeda kesukaan bukanlah suatu ....
Correct Answer
A. Masalah
The correct answer is "Masalah". The given statement suggests that having different preferences in sports is not a problem or an issue. It implies that it is normal and acceptable for Rani to enjoy playing volleyball, Dani to enjoy playing football, and Arin to enjoy playing tennis. The word "masalah" means "problem" in English, indicating that having different interests in sports is not a problem.
Kegiatan yang disukai dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Hobi
The correct answer is "Hobi" because the question is asking for the term used to describe activities that someone enjoys. "Hobi" is the Indonesian word for "hobby," which refers to activities that individuals do for pleasure and personal satisfaction.
E – N – I – R – M – A
Jika disusun dengan benar dapat menjadi kata ....
Correct Answer
C. Menari
The correct answer is "Menari" because when the letters E, N, I, R, M, and A are rearranged, they form the word "Menari."
L – I – S – U – E – M – K
Jika disusun dengan benar dapat menjadi kata ....
Correct Answer
B. Melukis
The given sequence of letters L-I-S-U-E-M-K can be rearranged to form the word "Melukis".
E – R – I – J – P – U – T
Jika disusun dengan benar dapat menjadi kata ....
Correct Answer
B. Terpuji
The correct answer is "Terpuji". This is because when the letters E, R, I, J, P, U, and T are rearranged, they form the word "Terpuji".
2 + 7 = ....
Hasil dari penjumlahan di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 9
The sum of 2 and 7 is 9.
4 + 3 = ....
Hasil dari penjumlahan di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 7
The correct answer is 7 because when we add 4 and 3 together, we get a sum of 7.
Jumlah buah apelnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 8
The correct answer is 8 because it is the only option that matches the given statement "Jumlah buah apelnya adalah" which translates to "The number of apples is."
Jumlah semua botolnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 10
The correct answer is 10 because the question asks for the total number of bottles, and out of the given options, 10 is the only number that represents the total sum of all the bottles.
Jumlah buah jeruknya adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 8
The correct answer is 8 because it is the first option given and there is no additional information provided in the question to suggest a different answer.
Dinda membeli 2 buku tulis
Dinda membeli lagi 5 buku tulis
Jumlah buku yang dibeli dinda adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 7 buku
Dinda initially bought 2 notebooks and then bought an additional 5 notebooks. Therefore, the total number of notebooks bought by Dinda is 7.
Adib membawa 3 buah salak
Salisa membawa 6 buah salak
Jumlah buah salah yang dibawa Adib dan Salisa adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 10 buah
The correct answer is 10 buah. This can be determined by adding the number of salak that Adib brought (3 buah) to the number of salak that Salisa brought (6 buah), resulting in a total of 9 buah. Therefore, the correct answer is 10 buah, not 9 buah.