Dear Students!

Welcome to the first round of the annual SEMester Contest! This year our contest is devoted to the Environment and Plant Health.
Answer the questions of the Quiz and show your knowledge and skills in Science, English and Maths.

You will need about 1 hour to do the tasks.


Part 1. Science. Questions 1-30.
In this part you will answer 30 questions on Biology.

Part 2. English. Questions 31-50.
In this part you will demonstrate your Reading and Listening skills and knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar.

Part 3. Maths. Questions 51-60.
In this part you will solve math problems.

You have only one attempt to answer the questions of the quiz.


Good luck!


Перед тем, как приступить к выполнению заданий, заполните личные данные. Участникам из России следует заполнять данные на РУССКОМ языке.

Заполняя указанные поля, Вы даете согласие на обработку персональных данных

SEMester (Science, English, Maths), 9-10 Form 2020
60 Questions
SEMester (Science, English, Maths), 9-10 Form 2020



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