Nokia Expert Quiz
27 Questions

This quiz is a bit different to the other ones. Make sure that you're a Gold rank 1 helper before you take this or we won't be able to give you your badge.


You also have the opportunity to choose which specialisation you become. Generally we'd expect that you put whichever phone you use everyday as your specialisation. You can only become a specialist for that phone once you have passed it's quiz;  If there isn't a quiz out for your phone yet then you can just choose to be a giffgaff expert. 


Anyway, relax and have fun; it'll only take about 10 minutes and if you don't succeed the first time, just give it another go. There is no limit to the number of times that you take this quiz, and as they say; practice makes perfect.


NOTE: Please ensure that you enter your details correctly. Your name will displayed on the certificate (as entered here) and your giffgaff member name will allow us to know who took the quiz. Good luck!

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