Hetalia "Kidnapped" Rp

16 Questions | Attempts: 15552

Book Quizzes & Trivia

Basically, you've been kidnapped. By two Hetalia characters.
You end up at a big country 'meeting'.
And, at the end of the ordeal, you'll most likely end up sparking a romance with someone. . . O_o
Warning:Long questions + results (sorry, couldn't help it)

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    It's 2:00 in the morning. You're in bed, fast asleep, completely oblivious to the outside world - until you hear the sound of a door slamming, in your house. You startle awake.

    • A.

      ...Ugh, probably just the obnoxious neighbors...

    • B.


    • C.

      Aliens!? No, wait, that was a dream...Man, I shouldn't have drunk all that pop before bed...

    • D.

      Uh...um...I should go check if it's not a thief...but...but...what if it IS a thief!?

    • E.

      "Hey, who the hell's there!?"

  • 2. 

    There was a sound of stumbling in the hall, followed by the hushed noises of two voices - one an angry hiss, and the other a high whine. Alarmed, you stagger out of bed, and arm yourself with:

    • A.

      Your fists.

    • B.

      A stuffed animal

    • C.

      Any random crap you have within reach.

    • D.

      Your bed sheets.

    • E.

      Your alarm clock.

  • 3. 

    Two figures stumble through the bedroom doorway. With a cry, you run at them, jumping onto one of them. Kneeling on the intruder's chest, you smack him repeatedly with your weapon of choice (or attempt to suffocate him, if you chose 'bed sheets' ;). You beat him while yelling:

    • A.

      "Regret infiltrating my house yet, huh? How about NOW! Take THAT!"

    • B.

      "Ha! Eat my dust, thugs!"

    • C.

      Nothing. You beat them silently - you're scared to death, but fierce all the same.

    • D.

      Every swear word or insulting name you know, right satisfaction.

    • E.


  • 4. 

    However, you soon hear a voice behind you shriek: "Brother!", and you are shoved onto the floor. After a few minutes of fending off the two strangers (while listening to them quarreling), you have unfortunately been bound by your ankles and wrists. "...W-we...we did it!"squealed one of the thugs in delight."Shut up!" retorted the other one,"We're not done yet..."You:

    • A.

      Shriek all of your most offensixe insults. (...Again)

    • B.

      Demand: "Who are you jerks!? What'd I ever do to you!?"

    • C.

      Try frantically to escape.

    • D.

      Scream at the top of your lungs.

    • E.

      Nervously ask your captors what's going on.

  • 5. 

    You are ignored, and clumsily thrown into the trunk of a small car. After a short, erratic drive, you are unloaded, and dragged through the halls of a new, large building.Your captors soon force you into a broad, crowded room - where dozens of eyes immediately lock onto you three."Italy? Romano!?" demands Germany (whom you recognize) to your captors, "What the hell have you done!?"

    • A.

      You: "They freaking kidnapped me, what does it look like!?"

    • B.


    • C.

      You: "Someone here explain to me what's happeni - Oh! Sup, Germany!"

    • D.

      You remain silent, nervously sending panicked glances across the room.

    • E.

      You: "These #%^%&s have %$#& captured me, and now I'm *&%*^ stuck in this $*&$# place! Get me *&$^& out!"

  • 6. 

    Romano announces: "We captured this country to prove to you buttwipes that we are not just useless whiners! Eat it!" Italy: "...Yeah! What my brother said! We're not useless whi - GAAHH! ROMANO LOOK THERE'S A MOTH ON MY LEG!" While the brothers freak out over the insect, you stare at them, realizing that you've been kidnapped by the Vargas brothers, of all people. Your reaction:

    • A.

      Woah. These guys have improved. Or -oh gosh- have I become lame!?

    • B.

      Them!? Well, at least they're cute...

    • C.

      I don't think you guys are useless! I'm sorry if I was ever mean to you! Please...let me go,now?

    • D.

      Ugh, brainless jerks! Can you stop being stupid for, like, five seconds and freaking UNTIE ME!

    • E.

      You guys!? Is this some kind of a joke?

  • 7. 

    "You bloody idiots," groans England from the back of the room, "that's not a country! She's just a friend!" Italy, looking hard at you, yelps:"Romano, he's right!"Romano:"Argh! I knew I shouldn't have listened to your stupid plan, brother!" Italy:"But it was your plan-" Romano:"Shut up!" As they squabble, you figure now's about the time you should be freed.

    • A.

      You: "Canada ...Help, please?

    • B.

      You: "Yo, America! Did you get my Facebook message?"

    • C.

      You: "Untie me now, Romano!"

    • D.

      You: "England, help me!"

    • E.

      You: "Prussia, get the hell over here and HELP me!"

  • 8. 

    Before anyone can move, Germany walks up, muttering to himself about Italians and headaches. He promptly unties you, and you get up, stretching. Germany then drags the Vargas brothers to the corner for a...chat. Meanwhile, you're left standing at the front of the room, alone. "Well," says America slowly, "since you're here - you should join totally the party! WOOOH! More shots, England?"

    • A.

      You: "Dude, YEAH! Part-AY!"

    • B.

      You: "Pff. Join this party? Lets see - No... Well...Maybe. Fine. Sure. Okay, If you really insist..."

    • C.

      You: "Hm, I dunno...Maybe I'll join you if you promise me that I'll never be ABDUCTED again."

    • D.

      You: "Um, well, it's pretty late...I'm not sure..."

    • E.

      You: "Pass me the beer, people."

  • 9. 

    "Psh," says a haughty voice beside you. You turn - it's Prussia. Prussia: "America thinks everything is a party. This is just a formal, late-night business meeting...gone wrong - if you know what I mean." He glances at you mischievously. "No, but seriously, this is just supposed to be a refreshments break." He chuckled, a broad grin crossing his face. "Damn, I love being a country. Too bad you're not..." You scowl at him, and he throws his hands up: "Hey, just saying. But if you were, like, an awesome all-powerful nation like yours truly (me)...we'd be allies, right?" He sipped his drink, and raised a cocky eyebrow at you with his question.

    • A.

      "Bigheaded jerk! Get a clue!"

    • B.

      "Sure. Whatever."

    • C.

      "Shyeah! Come at me, baby!

    • D.

      "Um, uh...what?"

    • E.

      "And why do you think I'd want to be your ally?"

  • 10. 

    Prussia grinned at you, undaunted by your speech. "You're so cute," he taunted playfully, before going to fetch more beer. As you stood there, watching him, someone ran into the room - and straight into you. "Watch it!" you bark, still crabby and tired. "Oh, sorry!"exclaimed Canada, looking flustered. His papers, coat, and a box of ice cream were scattered all over the floor. "I was just in a rush to get back...America sent me out for more ice cream, and when he's in party-mode, he means business." Canada knelt down and began collecting his stuff. "I hope you're not too upset at us countries for what the Italians did. I'm sure it wasn't personal. You're okay, right?" He glanced up at you, with that genuine, caring, well - Canadian look. You:"I'm fine..."

    • A.

      "...but honestly, those Vargas brothers are idiots..."

    • B.

      "...but you won't be if you keep running into people like that! Honestly...you're lucky I'm not Switzerland..."

    • C.

      "...I'm close friends with the Vargas brothers, anyways, and they wouldn't do anything to really hurt me."

    • D.

      "...aw, let me help you with that. Sorry for yelling at you a second ago..."

    • E.

      "...in fact, it was kind of cool getting abducted! Exciting! But I hope it's by aliens next time..."

  • 11. 

    Canada was about to reply, when - "YO CANADIA!" America swooped in, out of the blue. "Maplehockey!" squeaked Canada, dropping his stuff all over again,"aw, jeez, America..." America, clearly buzzed, only laughed loudly:"Dude, why're you so clumsy?" He then looked at you, and exclaimed:"Oh, hey! Non-country chic! You decided to stick around, huh? Right on! So, wanna see me ride a skateboard over that table and hit Poland?" He grinned enthusiastically.

    • A.

      "Ugh, sure, only to watch your massive wipeout."

    • B.

      "Dude! Yeah! Aim for his head!"

    • C.

      "You're joking, right idiot!?"

    • D.

      "Um, I really don't think you should..."

    • E.

      "Wha - do you take stupid pills, or something!? You're going to kill yourself!...Or Poland!"

  • 12. 

    America interrupts you, and screams:"SWEET! Russia brought vodka! I'M SO THERE!" And he staggers off, whooping and pumping his fist. Canada looks over his shoulder. "Oh, gosh, France's coming...I'll be going now..." He gets up, sends you a sympathetic look, and leaves - just as France arrives. "Ah, mon cherie!" All of a sudden, he puts an arm around you, bringing his face close to yours. And, being France, he continued: "You know, if I were to rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together..."

    • A.

      "What the hell!? Let go of me! Creep!"

    • B.

      "Haha, good one, France..."

    • C.

      "Get lost!"

    • D.

      "...Wh-what are you doing!?"

    • E.

      "Pff, like I haven't heard THAT one before..."

  • 13. 

    Without another word, France grins suggestively, slides his other arm around your waist, and puts his forehead onto yours, getting closer... "France, get your filthy paws off of the girl! Honestly, are you trying to befriend her or bloody traumatize her? God knows she's had enough to deal with this night..." France sighs, dropping his arms:"You always have to ruin the fun, England." With a last wink, he departed, shouldering past England, who hissed like a cat."Goodness, that guy really rubs me the wrong way, you know?"England says, with a tentative grin at you. He holds up a bottle. "Want a pint? I mean, I've been holding back...you know how I get...but, you might as well enjoy yourself while you're here, eh love?"

    • A.

      "...Is that alcohol? Um...I don't know..."

    • B.

      "...YOU!? Not drinking? Yeah RIGHT!"

    • C.

      "Don't mind if I do, thanks...love."

    • D.

      "I'll drink if you drink - Prussia says you're much more awesome when you're wasted!"

    • E.

      "Yeah, I guess I'll take a bottle. Know where I can get some chow with it?"

  • 14. 

    A loud voice suddenly sounds from across the room."Everyone!" bellows Germany,"what is this? This is supposed to be a formal meeting! This has gotten so out of hand! And...and why the hell is Poland unconscious!? America!" America:"Sorry, dude! I said 'heads up'!" Germany sighed, and continued: "Obviously, these late night meetings are completely useless. I want everyone to clean up, and get out! Hear me? NOW!" The countries grudgingly began moving, tidying up what they could under Germany's fierce eye.

    • A.

      You venture over to Prussia, to help him retrieve stuff from under the table.

    • B.

      You run to Canada's aid - he's staggering around with a bunch of empty alcohol boxes too big for him to see over.

    • C.

      You go to try to quiet down America and coax him into helping.

    • D.

      You stand awkwardly, not knowing whether you had to help or not. And preferring not to.

    • E.

      You immediately kneel down next to England and help him collect trash off the floor.

  • 15. 

    Within a few moments, someone taps you on the back.You turn around, and see Italy and Romano standing there awkwardly. Well, Romano's awkward - Italy's just grinning vaguely and rocking on his heels.Romano:"Well...yeah...Germany sent us over here to apologize to you." Italy:"Well, actually, he just sent you, brother, since the kidnapping was your idea. I just came because you forced m-" Romano: "Shut up! Ugh, anyways, we...I'm...sorry." He tentatively looked up at you, his gaze half-bitter, half-'Please-don't-hit-me!'

    • A.

      "Hm. Fine. I accept your apology."

    • B.

      "Aw, Romano, you don't need to apologize! It's cool."

    • C.

      "Apology accepted! Got any leftover booze?"

    • D.

      "Um...okay. Just - please don't you dare do it again!"

    • E.

      "'I'm sorry'? That's IT!? Like hell I'm gonna forgive you!"

  • 16. 

    Romano stared at you for a while longer, before, still awkwardly, turning to Italy, and muttering:"Er, let's go before Germany finds us again." Italy:"But-" Romano:"Come!" Italy:"Okay - bye,____! Sorry for abducting you! I'll make you dinner sometime, okay? How's pasta sounds?"Romano:"Italy, come!" Italy:"Okay, coming, veve~!" What now?

    • A.

      Clean up a bit more around you, then leave.

    • B.

      Sneak out with the Vargas brothers.

    • C.

      Stand there, sipping your drink, watching others clean.

    • D.

      Help as much as you can; clean up until everything's done.

    • E.

      Find and eat all the remaining food while you can.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 20, 2022
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Aug 23, 2011
    Quiz Created by
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